Are Muslims at War with the Indian State?

Are Muslims at War with the Indian State? July 25, 2006

Read these statements – who do you think is saying these? Here this guy is asking why the Muslim leaders and the celebrities did not come out to condemn the Jehadi Islam and also collect moneys for the displaced Kashmiri Hindus? Who is this guy?

The biggest one was the recent one — July 11. I was extremely perturbed because (despite) whatever I had been told by the so-called leaders, those leaders have not come out against these bomb blasts, or the carnage of tourists in Srinagar. They have not come out in support of the Kashmiri Pandits living in refugee camps.

At least one Muslim leader should come out and say, ‘I don’t stand by the so-called jihad, so-called pious duty they are talking about. That Islam they are talking, that Islam they are preaching, that Islam they are executing, that is not my Islam. I feel ashamed if they belong to my community, my religion.’

Nobody said this. Nobody came out. I am not talking just about the leaders who came to meet me. I am talking about community leaders from the film world, the industry, from the commercial establishments, from educational institutions, from politics. None of them came out saying that ‘I want to collect money for Kashmiri Hindus. I want to come out in support of these victims.’

After 1993, Bombay is by and large calm. There is no communal frenzy here. The loss of faith in each other, which happened in 1992, has been now retrieved. What is the occasion for all these bomb blasts, particularly July 11?

He then goes on to say – what the “Seculars” in India will call the “smoking gun” of this guys very saffron colored Sangh credentials!!

I am convinced now that all these terrorist activities, all these bomb blasts are aimed against Hindus. They want to kill Hindus at random and as many as possible.

This is the same impression I have mentioned in my letter to the accused. I said, ‘My community and my country do not deserve this. My community and my country, despite being ruled by Muslims for a thousand years, despite the atrocities, have accepted them as brothers.

When asked: But we have seen people like Shah Rukh Khan condemning the blasts.

He comes out blasting in a rather direct manner.. and I think asking some pointed but very relevant questions!!

Tell me, is this the same Shah Rukh Khan who refused to touch the feet of Lata Mangeshkar saying his religion does not allow him to touch someone’s feet? How much money has he paid to Kashmiri Hindus? Has Shah Rukh Khan defended Feroze Khan for what he said in Pakistan?

How many of them have defended Feroze Khan, who told the truth — that Pakistan is a failed State; that minorities in India are far better treated than the minorities in Pakistan? Did Shabana Azmi support him? Did Javed Akhtar support him?

Who is he? He is Niteen V. Pradhan, one of India’s leading criminal lawyers. He defended the dreaded terrorist Abu Salem as well as the accused in the Stamp Act and after defending the accused of the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts, he has now mailed a letter to the 18 core accused in the March 12, 1993 bomb blasts case, telling them he will not fight the case for them any more.

This part is very interesting – he was hired to defend the Mumbai bomb blasts by three Muslim Organizations. Why? Good question. In my perspective anyone who is identifying with the terrorists and trying to save those accused – and in India we all know that there are enough number of folks who would try to free these terrorists because of money or force – should be tried as well!!

But where were these Muslims Organizations getting the money from? From the Muslim community at large – who were contributing towards saving these folks!! Why? Why was the community contributing? Here is an answer:

In the first meeting, I asked them, ‘Why do you want the community to pay?’ — they said my fees would be paid by the community. I asked them, ‘Why is the community trying to identify with those who are accused of killing people mercilessly with vehicular bombs?’

It was the first time something like that had happened in India, and I was surprised (with the community identifying with the accused).

They said the community is offended because of the application of Section 121 of the Indian Penal Code — which means waging war against the country. Under English law, it meant the offence of treason.

They said, ‘We are not traitors. And if our community has been accused of being traitors, we feel the entire community has been accused of being traitors.’

I agreed with them. Because according to me, the bomb blasts had nothing to do with waging war against the government. The bomb blasts had something to do with the Ayodhya issue, December 1992 riots and the January 1993 riots (in Mumbai). It was arising out of the communal frenzy.

Now, this answer is as disingenuous as it can possibly get, doesn’t it feel so clearly? I mean the pretext of why the entire community would save those who were accused of waging a war against the Indian state beats me!! Because Waging a War against the Indian state they were!! So, the community thinks that they werent waging a war and that thought itself is good enough reason to save these treacherous individuals who thought nothing of the lives of hundreds and thousands of co-countrymen by blasting their lives out??!!

If they were trying to put out the perception that Muslims are waging a war – then they failed miserably!! For given this action, am I wrong to say that they were at the very least sympathetic to the devils and animals who were???

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