Effects of Date-rape drug Rohypnol

Effects of Date-rape drug Rohypnol August 9, 2006

Just got an email with the following information on the date-rape drug called Rohypnol. What it contains is simply scary!

A woman at a Gas nightclub (Mumbai) on Saturday night was taken by 5 men, who according to hospital and police reports, gang raped her before dumping her at Bus stand Mumbai. Unable to remember the events of the evening, tests later confirmed the repeat rapes along with traces of rohypnol in her blood.

Rohypnol, date rape drug is an essentially a small sterilization pill. The drug is now being used by rapists at parties to rape AND sterilize their victims. All they have to do is drop it into the girl’s drink. The girl can’t remember a thing the next morning, of! all that had taken place the night before. Rohypnol, which dissolves in drinks just as easily, is such that the victim doesn’t conceive from the rape and the rapist needn’t worry about having a paternity test identifying him months later. The Drug’s affects ARE NOT TEMPORARY – they are PERMANENT .

Any female that takes it WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO CONCEIVE. The weaselscan get this drug from anyone who is in the vet school or any university.It’s that easy, and Rohypnol is about to break out big on campuses everywhere. Believe it or not, there are even sites on the Internet telling people how to use it.

Please forward this to everyone you know, especially girls. Girls, be careful when you’re out and don’t leave your drink unattended. (added – Buy your own drinks, ensure bottles or cans received are unopened or sealed; don’t even taste someone else’s drink) There has already been a report in Singapore of girls drink been Spiked by Rohypnol. Please make the effort to forward this to everyone you know. For guys – Pls inform all your female friends and relatives, remember you also have sisters.

Here is some more info on it:

Rohypnol is a brand name for flunitrazepam (a benzodiazepine), a very potent tranquilizer similar in nature to valium (diazepam), but many times stronger. The drug produces a sedative effect, amnesia, muscle relaxation, and a slowing of psychomotor responses. Sedation occurs 20-30 minutes after administration and lasts for several hours. The drug is often distributed on the street in it’s original “bubble packaging” which adds an air of legitimacy and makes it appear to be legal. The drug is not commonly used by physicians in the United States and is not even listed in the commonly used Physician’s Desk Reference.

Illicit use of Rohypnol was originally reported in Europe in the late 1970’s and world-wide use of it has continually increased since then. According to police sources in both Florida and Texas, “roofies” were first seen in the United States in the early 1990’s; they quickly gained acceptance and use by both high school and college students. According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) more than 1,000 cases of illegal Rohypnol possession have been reported recently, in thirteen states. Reports have also been received of it being popular in “gay bars” in selected locations on both the East and West coasts. In fact, Rohypnol is now being reported as being one of the “in” drugs on high school and college campuses and particularly in college fraternities. And to make matters worse, “Roofies” are inexpensive and reportedly being sold for as little as $2.00-$4.00 per tablet in several locations.

According to a University of Florida drug hotline, “Roofies” are often combined with alcohol, marijuana, or cocaine to produce a rapid and very dramatic “high”. Even when used by itself, users can appear extremely intoxicated, with slurred speech, no coordination, swaying, and blood-shot eyes…with no odor of alcohol. The drug has been added to punch and other drinks at fraternity parties and college social gatherings, where it is reportedly given to female party participants in hopes of lowered inhibitions and facilitating potential sexual conquest. Police departments in several parts of the country say that after ingestion of “Roofies” that several young women have reported waking up in frat houses with no clothes on, finding themselves in unfamiliar surroundings with unfamiliar people, or having actually been sexually assaulted while under the influence of the drug.

As insidious, disgusting and perilous as this may sound, the dangers don’t stop there. Besides the worries of unprotected sex, Rohypnol, particularly when mixed with alcohol or other drugs may lead to respiratory depression, aspiration, and even death. When taken repeatedly, it can lead to physical and psychic dependence, which is thought to increase with both dose and duration of use. An amnesia producing effect of “Roofies” may prevent users from remembering how or why they took the drug or even that they were given it by others. This makes investigation of sexually related or other offenses very difficult and may account for repeated reports of “date rapes” involving the use of the drug.

I couldn’t find the info that relates to the permanent effects on the ability to conceive though. Do you have any more information or any cases where you have seen this drug being used? Surely this is something that the girls need to be made aware of!

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