Let Patience Have her Perfect Work!

Let Patience Have her Perfect Work! August 18, 2006

Often, those who have ‘achieved’ (or think they have) something are wont to teach the world and somehow married to the urge of “persuasion”. This is true of Enlightened Prophets and Buddhas throughout history.

There is writer of a column “Engines of our Ingenuity” Professor John Lienhard at the University of Houston whose morning short discourses are my favorite meditation thoughts.. writes how the Persuaders in the history have been the fastest to embrace new technology as well as methods to propogate their word.

Quite like – if you look closely and to the chagrin of the Enlightened – the Porn and flesh business!

He starts in this article by showing how illustration – and caricatures at that – are used to explain religious thougths and tenets from Bible… and then how evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson used radio broadcast in 1924 to relay her message!

As the illustration here explains the message of patience and let the natural process take care of the world itself as opposed to trying to rage against someone whom you are trying to persuade and bring over is interesting in the context of how the Missionaries and in fact many Gurus conduct themselves! It seems that if anything the Evangelist have hardly had the time to read and indeed understand Jesus’ message. But then those who are so busy trying to “take the message to others” can hardly be expected to have the time – or the inclination – to first imbibe it in their lives and being!

Evolution is the basic principle of creation. Whatever is created will evolve and ultimately be destroyed. Involution and intelligence in the seed IS the cause of Evolution …. and Evolution pre-supposes Intelligence of the seed. That is a verity that is somehow disregarded and forgotten by the over-zealous Enlightened Buddhas. As if the Intelligence that led their evolution was eclectic in its basic nature and partial in its approach! How come the patience that nature was rewarded for in Buddhas evolution would somehow go unrewarded in case of those He wanted to uplift?

Patient never forget that the beginning of Evolution is inherent in every sub-atomic building block of creation as its intelligence.

Technorati : John Lienhard, patience

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