Are Zodiac Signs linked to Health Problems?

Are Zodiac Signs linked to Health Problems? February 18, 2007

The leftists pseudos and oh-so-nerdy-scientists in journalism and blogosphere were up in arms against Murli Manohar when he wanted to introduce astrology as a subject. They have absolutely no problem when Sociology or Psychology is introduced! Like this study points out – zodiac sign may be linked to certain kinds of disorders! They could not completely get it right.. but it may be possible.

Now, my contention.. what if .. over a period of certain hundred years.. the intellectuals studied the relationships and patterns of certain events AND the structure of stars and constellation.. and produced a coded methodology called Astrology? In fact that is how it probably really happened! In fact in ancient Indian scriptures relating to astrology, the authors never say that this is how stuff WOULD happen… but that there is a high probability that certain things MAY happen!

But you dont expect clueless, self-promoted intellectuals and pseudo people of today to get it.. do you? To get some knowledge you have to start with a question.. and not an answer. The pseudos start with an answer they are soo convinced about that they are a greater impediment to knowledge than the ones they accuse of such blasphemy! Like I usually say.. your hatred makes you more and more like your enemy – or perceived enemy! 🙂 Look at Bush and Republicans for example.. arent they becoming more and more like Taliban?

Ok.. so here is the Canadian study results …done with 10 million Ontario residents!!

People born under the zodiac sign Virgo vomit more during pregnancy, Pisces have greater risk of heart failure, while Libras have an increased risk of fracturing their pelvises.

Each of the 12 astrological signs have at least two medical disorders associated with them, thus placing people born under a given sign at increased risk compared to those born under different signs, according to a new survey.

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council grantee Peter Austin and three other researchers at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences in Toronto, conducted a survey with tongue firmly in cheek, using data from 10,000,000 Ontario residents in 2000.

"Replace astrological signs with another characteristic such as gender or age, and immediately your mind starts to form explanations for the observed associations," Austin said.

"Then we leap to conclusions, constructing reasons for why we saw the results we did. We did this study to prove a larger point — the more we look for patterns, the more likely we are to find them, particularly when we don’t begin with a particular question."

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