Google makes everyone a Papparazi!!

Google makes everyone a Papparazi!! June 2, 2007

A lady is outraged that her cat is visible from her window on the Google’s street view of maps reports Slashdot

"The New York Times is running a story about a woman who says her cat is clearly visible through the living room window of her second-floor apartment using Street View and that she has contacted Google asking that the photo be removed. ‘The issue that I have ultimately is about where you draw the line between taking public photos and zooming in on people’s lives,’ Ms. Kalin-Casey said in an interview. ‘The next step might be seeing books on my shelf. If the government was doing this, people would be outraged.’

You can see people in amazing detail.. drug deals/sunbathing/co-ed girls.. like this picture from the competition for Google Street Pics at Wired…. so wanna look at what your girl friend is doing in her room alone.. get on Google! Well, I am sure the Papparazi will be zooming in on Los Angeles.. in fact why just the designated Papparazi. …any one can be a papparazi now!! This kind of feature could also be a godsend to all the spies and anarchists!! This kind of technology is not even available with the intelligence agencies of most countries!! Google is really pushing the envelope here… isn’t it?

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