Which way should Drishtikone.com go?

Which way should Drishtikone.com go? June 20, 2007

Hello reader.. I had started this blog site Drishtikone.com in August of 2005, with the aim of writing my thoughts both for others to read – if they found it useful and interesting – and to chronicle our times for future. Slowly many people joined into this experiment. I have made many friends and acquaintances.

Now, I am thinking of expanding this into a bigger thing.. a portal of sorts for Indians at large – or even South-Asians… or at least with an aim to bring together people with issues related to India and Indians.

What do you think? What should it include? and how should it be designed. What is it that you want in a site with respect to Indians that none has it now? I have outsourced the work to a company in India and am hoping they will do it right. So, please do help me with your views. Either put in a comment here or email to drishtikone dot mail at gmail dot com.

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