Life Jacket may be your Insurance in the non-glacier world!

Life Jacket may be your Insurance in the non-glacier world! September 27, 2007

Ok, while the Americans are busy fretting their health-care plans.. it might be time better for the rest of the world citizens to think of "Boat-care plans"! For the world is soon going to get watery. Glaciers are melting, the ice on mountains and poles are breaking up – much faster than those science jokers thought a few years back (well, few = 5 in these times!).

So, either learn swimming or buy a good boat or a life-jacket. That may be the best insurance plan! Read what National Geographic says:

Scientists are finding that glaciers and ice sheets are surprisingly touchy. Instead of melting steadily, like an ice cube on a summer day, they are prone to feedbacks, when melting begets more melting and the ice shrinks precipitously. At Chacaltaya, for instance, the shrinking glacier exposed dark rocks, which sped up its demise by soaking up heat from the sun. Other feedbacks are shriveling bigger mountain glaciers ahead of schedule and sending polar ice sheets slipping into the ocean.

Most glaciers in the Alps could be gone by the end of the century, Glacier National Park’s namesake ice by 2030. The small glaciers sprinkled through the Andes and Himalaya have a few more decades at best. And the prognosis for the massive ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica? No one knows, if only because the turn for the worse has been so sudden. Eric Rignot, a scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory who has measured a doubling in ice loss from Greenland over the past decade, says: "We see things today that five years ago would have seemed completely impossible, extravagant, exaggerated."

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