Not a New Year, Let us create new Moments!

Not a New Year, Let us create new Moments! January 1, 2008

imagejpg.php.jpgThe New Year has begun with new hopes and new beginnings. It is but another day. The beginnings and the hopes associated with its “new-ness” are all in the mind!

This mind of ours has created this “new-ness” and the associated freshness! Unless it seeps into our soul, it will remain as fleeting and temporary as our smile and happiness… and sorrows. The thought is not to create more associations in order to get away from the older ones.. but to get beyond associations itself, so every second and moment becomes “fresh” and new.

It is easy to trick your mind, difficult to make it still. This year will be another year for me to meditate on this one thing. People want to “Change the world for the better”… I would want to “Change myself for the better”. We are sum total of the world we have created – the world we then live in. For, what we call the world is an aggregation of our perceptions. No more.

Let’s look through the veneer of these perceptions and look at the world as it changes and moves on. Let’s witness it.

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