Turn Cell Phone into a Spy Device

Turn Cell Phone into a Spy Device May 8, 2008

Most of the terrorists in South Asia are using cell phones to carry out their discussions and plan their moves. Now, in the age of technical expertise, its easy to not only locate where a person is…. but also listen to what is going on around and with that person through a stealth way that turns the cell phone into a microphone/listening device – so YOU can listen to what is going within the ear shot of that cell phone.. UNBEKNOWNST to the cell phone owner!!

So, here is how it works:

1. Locate where the cell phone holder is:

You don’t have to plant a CIA-style bug to conduct surveillance any more. A service called World Tracker lets you use data from cell phone towers and GPS systems to pinpoint anyone’s exact whereabouts, any time — as long as they’ve got their phone on them.

All you have to do is log on to the web site and enter the target phone number. The site sends a single text message to the phone that requires one response for confirmation. Once the response is sent, you are locked in to their location and can track them step-by-step. The response is only required the first time the phone is contacted, so you can imagine how easily it could be handled without the phone’s owner even knowing.

Once connected, the service shows you the exact location of the phone by the minute, conveniently pinpointed on a Google Map. So far, the service is only available in the UK, but the company has indicated plans to expand its service to other countries soon.

2. Turn the cell phone into a listening device:

Dozens of programs are available that’ll turn any cell phone into a high-tech, long-range listening device. And the scariest part? They run virtually undetectable to the average eye.

Take, for example, Flexispy. The service promises to let you “catch cheating wives or cheating husbands” and even “bug meeting rooms.” Its tools use a phone’s microphone to let you hear essentially any conversations within earshot. Once the program is installed, all you have to do is dial a number to tap into the phone’s mic and hear everything going on. The phone won’t even ring, and its owner will have no idea you are virtually there at his side.

Well, this use may not be legal – but if the police or the Government uses it – it might BE legal ;-). And btw, the US Government may already be listening to you when you curse it…. or even YOUR WIFE, if you have been being naughty outside of her sight!

Source for content: Geeks Are Sexy

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