In Mississippi (US) schools – Obama's name is BANNED

In Mississippi (US) schools – Obama's name is BANNED November 10, 2008

There is an Obamania in the US and around the world but somethings are hard to change…. specially WITHIN the US!

It seems some school authorities are unhappy with Obama in Mississippi.. so much so that the word “Obama” is banned. Kids cannot UTTER the word Obama not have any clothing which says it and support the new President elect.

I am wondering what will they say when they have to tell someone who the new President of the US is.. in a few weeks?? Maybe they will take a cue from John McCain and say “That one”! Republicans have fallen really badly but this is downright pathetic!

The ACLU has received complaints from students and parents in that state claiming they are being told not to say Barack Obama’s name or wear shirts or other items expressing their support for the President-Elect. At Pearl Junior High School, two students were kicked off the bus for daring to utter Obama’s name. Players for the girls’ basketball team were told they would be suspended if they spoke Obama’s name. And at Puckett Attendance Center, two students were informed that Barack Obama was only to be discussed in history class, not in other classes or in the halls.

And how do they explain this??

Magee High School teachers read a memorandum in class the day after the election. It stated, “Seeing history in the making and being a part of that process is a wonderful thing. Many of you are excited because of this. Others are not. It is absolutely critical that we not use this election as a divisive event. We should respect one another by not saying or doing things in the wrong way that would take away from this historical event and possibly cause a disruption here at school. Celebrations at school that cause disruptions are not acceptable and against the law therefore, this should not occur. Please by mindful of this and respect one another regardless of differences in opinion.”

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