Saintly Obsession with Non-violence

Saintly Obsession with Non-violence November 10, 2008

Non violence has been a cherished goal of many a Saint. It is an aim that people who want to see a better world want to attain. The non-violence is often described as avoidance of violence in thought, deed, and speech.

But is avoidance of outward violence – whether of speech, thought or deed – really non-violence? To understand this, it is imperative to understand why does violence exist in the first place?

Violence is a manifestation of conflict.

The conflict between “Me” and the “other”. Between what I “want to see” vs “What is”. It is a conflict of Present.. the Current and What was.

Without going into my own conflict – the conflict that is inherent in me and that indeed, defines me, I cannot eliminate outward conflict. I may pretend non-violence… to be sweet.. to not raise my hand, to force myself to think “Good and Nice” of others.. but it will STILL be a conflict! Now, the object with which I have conflict is different.. but forced non-violence is still violence. I have not changed in the sense that my internal and intrinsic self burdened with my prejudices and thoughts and history that comes to bear upon every moment still is strong and kicking. Just that my manifestation of violent outlet had changed. Now, I “hit” my mind.. to STOP being a “hitter”.

Violence still occurs.

It is because the world of nicety and religiosity is so obsessed with forced and “practiced” non-violence, that peace has been ephemeral and transient. Such non-violence is at best a compromise and so it cannot last long!

So, permanent peace is not possible without the fundamental resolution of my own personal conflict. The same conflict that creates limited love for, unlimited anger towards and fake acceptance of the world.

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