iPad is here!

iPad is here! January 27, 2010

SteveJObs-iPad.jpgApple has unveiled its iPAD. Its a tablet PC with a lot of storage and real thin. Of course, it has the iPhone/iPod interface.

It seems clear that it will hit at a lot of products – Kindle, Smartphones, Netbook, GPS devices, and even regular laptop market. I would venture a guess that even the DVD and Music market will henceforth be destroyed … for Apple will try to add in the movies and music here in a big manner.

This iPAD also has Address Book and Calendar built in. With thousands of Apple apps in the marketplace, this device will surely be far more powerful than one can anticipate. It will be a real convergence of so many apps and utilities in a way that will make most sense with the right interface, size, speed, storage and style.

Of course, the print media – Newspapers and Mags – are lining up to provide subscriptions on iPAD. This maybe their only savior! For, the print media is not making money and most of the news on the net is free anyways. This may provide a more user friendly platform to disseminate news in future.

What do you think of this product? Will it be as revolutionary as it seems to be?

Technical Specs:

  1. Chip:from PA Semi, an ARM-based CPU called the A4 (1GHz).
  2. Measurements: 0.5 inches thin, weighs 1.5 pounds, with a 9.7-inch IPS, fully capcitive multitouch display.
  3. Other features: accelerometer, compass, speaker, mic, dock connector. And it’s got battery,” says Jobs.
  4. Battery: 10 hours and a month of standby
  5. Storage: 16 and 64GB of flash, SSD storage.
  6. Connectivity: 802.11n WiFi. (Not clear about 3G)

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