Disclaimer @God, Inc.

Disclaimer @God, Inc. March 28, 2010

When you signed the contract
to enter into this endless quest called life,

He warned you and set this disclaimer outright
He said –
“Though you might have loving parents,
but sooner or later you shall leave them or they will.
Though you are all made up of love
but you will forget that and look for it.
You will be provided with ample food
but a limited appetite and vice versa.
Though you will have many desires and dreams
but their fulfillment will create more of them.
Though you will be happy as a kid
but as you grow you will loose it.
Though your toys will change as you grow in size
but in your heart you shall always remain a child.
Though you will have intelligence more than faith
your soul would be covered by layers of ignorance.
Though there would be a faint voice from inside
but there always would be more noise outside.
Though all you wish for, shall be given to you
but never in the order of preference or in that sequence.
Though eventually everything you wish will loose its charm
it will appear in front of you for you as soon as it does.
Though you will look out for love and not for fear
there will be a lot of procrastination without fear.
Though you might appear to be the king of your free-will
most unpredictably, destiny shall always work its course there
If you still like it, you shall be born into this world of dreams
that you will bear it at your own risk.”

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