
Patelgiri April 27, 2010

I am filing for adoption of Praful Patel . Sure, he’s too old to adopt, but I can always pester him to adopt me instead. Purba Patel doesn’t sound too bad, does it?

It pays to be a Patel and how. Not only do you get freebies, joyrides and upgrades to first class in Air India; you get to hobnob with the likes of Vijay Mallya and have a private jet ferry you to Phuket, free of cost!

Wait, it doesn’t stop here. You also get to treat the National Carrier as your Daddy’s private garage. The Maharaja can bleed to the point of collapse, suffer massive losses, employees be asked to take pay cuts but I will have no qualms in getting a scheduled flight cancelled and use it as a private jet to ferry IPL players. Trivialities like inconvenience caused to hapless passengers on a confirmed Delhi-Coimbatore flight is not my headache.

Rules are meant to be broken, especially if your daddy is the Union minister of civil aviation.

This is precisely why Air India will never be disinvested. It will be kept afloat at a massive expense, footed by the tax-payers money, only to serve nepotistic purposes of ‘Public servants’.
The common man can jet-set on Kingfisher 😉

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