Anna breaks fast, Now What??

Anna breaks fast, Now What?? August 28, 2011

Anna-and-Child.JPGAnnaBreaksFast.JPGIn Sikkim a farmer was fasting for a week along with Anna Hazare. Yong Tshering Lepcha lost 14 kg during his fast.

“Truth has prevailed and this is how people like Anna Hazare have inspired even a farmer like me. He has touched lakhs of people and I am just one of them. I could have died for the cause.”

What is it that has made people from areas, which weren’t even in the National consciousness – like North East – find resonance in the fast by Anna? And it was not just those people in far flung places, but even in Azad Maidan in Mumbai, 17 people had been fasting for all these days. For example, Dr Ratna Magotia a 64 year old cardiac surgeon had been fasting for last 12 days as well.

Many people have tried to use this line of protest but haven’t made a big splash. Not until Anna Hazare and team started this movement, which has become such a big People’s action across the country and the world.

Now, the Parliament has decided to move on with the business of bringing in the Jan Lokpal bill in for consideration, and Anna has broken his fast, now what?

Our Polity and Us

The movement cannot be allowed to fizzle out just because one bill has been brought in. It has to be used effectively. For that everyone will have to fight to make sure things are implemented correctly.

It is very fashionable for a lot of people – specially women to say “Not interested in Politics”. It is almost like a statement of pride. However, in a democracy – “Of the people, by the people, for the people” – nothing can be more shameful!

In a democracy, everyone HAS to be responsible, interested and constantly engaged in the politics and governance! Voting in elections and then forgeting about everything is NOT what democracy is all about. Democracy requires engagement of EVERYONE to his fullest.

Whether it is a pot-hole on the road or the high level corruption where the politicians siphon of trillions to foreign banks, You and I have to engage FULLY. If we don’t want to engage in the polity of the country, then we should choose to leave a democracy and move to an autocracy ASAP. Because an apathetic citizen in a democracy is a greater burden than someone who is on Government doles.

We don’t need to have a 74 yr old fast for 13 days just to arouse our own self interest every some years. We can save him the trouble and instead constantly be monitoring and engaging with the politics and governance 24/7 and 365 days! Constantly fighting the corruption on the road, on the bridges and in the market prices. Refuse to take it any longer.

Refusing to take corrupt actions by anyone should be our nature. That would save us from having to refuse food to protest against the lost rights, that could have been intact had we refused to let the many small moments of corruption go by.

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