Why is Sonia Gandhi Presiding over Kashmiri Separatist Organization?

Why is Sonia Gandhi Presiding over Kashmiri Separatist Organization? August 19, 2011

What Congress is upto is mind-boggling. We have talked about the betrayal by Chidambaram and others on the economic front. But even on the national policy and integrity what is happening is just damning.

While most are wondering why Ajmal Kasab, the Jehadi from Pakistan hasn’t been punished as yet for his massacre in 26/11, the Congress General Secretary goes to a Jehadi conference to release a book “Conspiracy of RSS: 26/11” – which alleges that its not the Pakistani Jehadi groups, but RSS which is behind the “conspiracy of 26/11”.

It is easy to see the mindless act of this guy. But what is even more disturbing is that these actions by the high and mighty of the nation jeopardize the very security of the country.

And, now lets turn to the Queen Bee. Sonia Gandhi.

There is an organization called “The Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia-Pacific (FDL-AP)”. Ostensibly, its mission is to promote democracy, including all its necessary prerequisite conditions and institutions, within the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

Who from India is its Co-President? Yes, Sonia Gandhi.

And what do they really do? Here is a little glimpse:

Yes, promoting the Kashmiri Separatists and their Jehadi agenda.

And who is financing these guys? Here is a link.

The FDL-AP’s continuing existence and activities are due in large part to generous contributions from the Soros Foundation, the Kim Dae-jung Peace Foundation, the Olof Palme International Center, and the Naumann Foundation.

Olof Palme, incidentally, was also the guy who was involved in Bofors scandal, if you remember. The same scandal where the people involved were Sonia’s own and Rajiv Gandhi.

The 1987 diary and “daily notes” kept by Ardbo, the Bofors chief executive, offer dark hints about the involvement of Rajiv Gandhi (“R” of Ardbo’s handwritten record), Olof Palme (“P”), Arun Nehru (“Nero” and “N”), the Hindujas (referred to variously as “Hanssons”, “G.P.H.”, “H”, and “S.P.,G.P.”, Ottavio Quattrocchi (“Q”), Bob Wilson (“Bob”) and others involved in the affair.

All this anti-national work by the Congress leaders, led by Sonia Gandhi is happening not covertly, but in broad daylight and in front of everyone. Yet, there is no media attention. Even India’s investigation agencies aren’t bothered by such betrayal.

Sometimes, I wonder why should anyone even sacrifice for this country’s and society’s freedom? WHY? If a bunch of people are so masochistic that they rejoice events that shout loudly of their own imminent demise, what right do they have of living a free life?

It almost seems that our minds have a strong centrifugal force that throws us towards colonization and self annihilation. If that is the extent of our masochism, then why bother? Indeed, why even bother?

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