Modi goes to “seek blessings” of Keshubhai after election win despite latter’s vicious campaign against Modi

Modi goes to “seek blessings” of Keshubhai after election win despite latter’s vicious campaign against Modi December 20, 2012

After Narendra Modi won the elections in a thumping style again for the third time, he did something that one hasn’t really seen happen in Indian politics as long as I can remember.

Keshubhai Patel was part of BJP at some point and has since leaving started Gujarat Parivartan Party (GPP).  In this elections Keshubhai vowed to defeat Modi and equated him to Adolf HItler and called him a Devil.  His campaign against Modi was fairly vicious.

People were saying that Keshubhai Patel will be the greatest spoiler for Modi and will take away the Leuva Patels from Modi.  However, it didn’t happen.  Not only Modi won well, Keshubhai Patel and his party was routed comprehensively.

But on Thursday, Narendra Modi went to meet Keshubhai Patel to “seek his blessings”.

“Modiji had come to seek blessings after his win in the elections. I congratulated him for the win,” Patel said after Modi’s visit. (Link)

Irrespective of what discussion they may have had, but for Modi to go to a miserable loser and one who ran a vicious campaign against him, was clearly out of the ordinary.  I am sure many will say it is a “political stunt”, and it very well may be.  But it requires tremendous confidence in ones own self and have a person look beyond his own small ego.

So kudos to Modi for even appreciating a vicious and insulting foe even when he has been routed.


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