The first test between Indian and Australia recently saw a superlative batting performance from Mahendra Singh Dhoni, when many had written him off. And when he started hitting, he really hit them hard. What a performance that was.
The Australian media seems to be hit bad after the massacre their bowlers faced against Dhoni… and they weren’t so charitable about the fact that he earns a lot in other forms of cricket.
The 31-year-old supposedly prefers the smash-and-grab of the one-day game and the IPL, where he makes a fortune every year on this very ground with the Chennai Super Kings. The world’s highest-earning cricketer is apparently indifferent to Tests. This is meant to be his pre-season – for the IPL.
That hypothesis might need to be revisited after his match-turning slog-a-thon, his sixth Test century and the highest score of his career.
Was looking for the highlights of his innings and finally found it. Watch and Enjoy.