Kerala Communist Leader admits – We Kill Our Political Opponents

Kerala Communist Leader admits – We Kill Our Political Opponents May 27, 2012

CPM's Idukki district secretary MM Mani

In a rather damning case, a senior functionary of the Kerala CPM – MM Mani, has said that CPM has regularly killed its political opponents.  He has talked of 13.  Just recently a CPM rebel and RMP leader TP Chandrasekharan was murdered and CPM activists have been arrested in that case.

Narendra Modi, Gujarat’s Chief Minister, has rightly suggested that this is a serious revelation.  The RSS and the Hindu activists have time and again talked of persecution at the hand of the communists, not just in Kerala but in other states as well.  He says that over 250 RSS workers have been killed by the communists.  It is time that people start speaking up. I completely agree.

If these people – communists and the pseudo-seculars – who feign to stand for justice and peace think its kosher to go around persecuting others who don’t agree with their ideology, then they have to pay for their transgression of law.

When asked, the State CPM Secretary Pinarayi Vijayan said that Mani’s statements were “deviation from the party’s stance”!  Heck YES, it was.  Because, the party’s stance has been to tell lies all along!

And to good measure Vijayan announced that such things should not be repeated.

Interestingly, no one in the media is holding the ridiculous “explanation” of the Party Secretary against Mani and CPM itself.  To me, he doesn’t say anything substantive about the case itself.  He talks about how there was a communication failure.  The issue is larger than just semantics.  It is larger than one man boasting and being “out of party line”.

It is about how the Communists conduct their politics.  And in many ways, how the media works to cover up their tracks.




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