July 23, 2009

All anyone in the Indian administration needs to do to understand the Pakistani official mind is to - unlike and irrespective of what the apologetics may contend - watch and listen to the most prolifi Read more

July 22, 2009

Sometimes people have the wrong names for the kind of work they do! Like these guys.... Read more

July 20, 2009

An American Soldier - Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl - has been captured by Taliban and is being brandished in a propoganda video. Read more

July 20, 2009

Mohammad Ajmal Kasab - the surviving terrorist of the Mumbai Attacks in the week of 26/11 - has confessed to his role in the entire crime. Read more

July 18, 2009

Here is the Joint Statement issued on Thursday at the conclusion of a meeting between Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in SHARM EL SHEIKH. Read more

July 18, 2009

Dr. Singh says at NAM: Read more

July 18, 2009

As expected, the Joint Statement was not even worth the paper written on, as far as commitment from Pakistan was concerned. Read more

July 18, 2009

On March 7, 1938, Subhash Chandra Bose was on the Time cover. Not that Time really loved Netaji, in fact Time used a lot of pejoratives for him all the time and his Indian National Army. Read more

July 18, 2009

Its Dr. Manmohan Singh's "Bring it on" moment. Now we are ready again for another terror attack, his team seems to have written all over the agreement with Gilani (at the Non Aligned Summit in Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt). Read more

July 17, 2009

Creation and its theories in contemporary science and theology - specifically in the US, based on Christian scriptures - has been a point of controversy. Read more

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