These are just some comments and thoughts on being a Christian in the 21st century.
I echo the prophet Ezekiel’s humble response to God’s question: “Can these dry bones live?”
“You alone know, O Lord.”
Life is God’s business.
Meanwhile, I stand in the valley and look around.
Kathleen Mulhern is a writer, editor, historian, speaker, and professor. She teaches courses in world history, European history, and history of Christianity. She has taught at Colorado School of Mines and Regis University, and is currently a Teaching Fellow and the Interim Director of Christian Formation at Denver Seminary. She is the former Executive Editor at, one of the largest multifaith religion websites in the world.
Her research interests include: Modern European intellectual history, Christian history, Roman Catholic history, Pascalian spirituality, history of science, and the relationship between science and faith. She is the author of Beyond the Contingent, a study of neo-Pascalian thought, and multiple articles on Church history, religions of the world, and the Bible.
She graduated with a B.A. from Wheaton College, earned an M.A. in French Literature from the University of Denver, an M.A. degree in Church History from Denver Seminary, and a Ph.D. in History from the University of Colorado. She and her husband, Steven, live in Denver, Colorado.
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