Real Stuff My Dad Says 59: Real Stuff My Papa Would Say

Real Stuff My Dad Says 59: Real Stuff My Papa Would Say July 9, 2014

I’ve got to be real honest.  This week’s podcast is just a bit too much for me to dictate and write down, so do me a solid:  just push play and listen.

In lieu of a full blog entry, I offer this podcast preview:  It’s been a tough month: one of my dogs was killed, I had to put the other one down and in the midst of all that, my brother and I got the call no grandson wants to receive – my Papa passed away.

Papa always had something to say about everything, and while he may never had received a “Grandparent of the Year” award, I’m certain there are certain things that he’d want each and every one of us to hear today:

  1. There is a God and He loves every one of us.
  2. He wants nothing more than to spend eternity with us, if we’d only make the choice to follow Him and His plan for our lives.

Thanks for listening.

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