The Daren Streblow Comedy Show Mini-Cast 133: Driving, John Driver and Sally Baucke

The Daren Streblow Comedy Show Mini-Cast 133: Driving, John Driver and Sally Baucke March 15, 2016

Daren Streblow

I’ve been doing a lot of driving lately, if you’re a hate monger you can still get a license in this country. There are people who drive trucks to haul stuff and then there are people who drive trucks because by law they’re not allowed to bully kids in the playground any more. In America you’re supposed to pass cars on the left, we are not a British colony. What is the hurry for those who pass on right? Do you have a pregnant woman in labor in the back seat? No it’s probably “I have to get to Redbox quickly before the rental is due!” How about leaving 10 minutes earlier Luke Duke. But I would rather drive than be a passenger these days! Have you ever ridden with someone who insists on making eye contact with you while they dive? There is nothing more frightening, I had a friend who did this, he would talk and then he would slowly be making full eye contact while he’s driving not looking at the road at all. We would be talking, we’d drift, screeching tires “He can we talk later?!?”. My grandpa Streblow he wasn’t just content with one lane while driving. He was a weaver, a BAD weaver; he would make me involuntarily sing opera. He was a pastor, he could get more people to get right with God on the way to the hardware store than on a Sunday morning. They renamed the street in front of his house Revival lane, so many people on their knees getting their lives right. Another thing that gets one of my co-hosts is the variety of political bumper stickers on the road these days. Not only are there so many different views but you can also see what someone who voted for Ross Barlow looks like. Or Bob Dole.

Photo: news.drom

Next we have a guest who helped write Diary Of A Jackwagon by Tim Hawkins and he recently released a new book with Reggie Dabbs entitled Just Keep Breathing, welcome John Driver! I’m suddenly feeling a bit angry because I realized that I’m sitting in a frozen part of the county and you are not, it’s totally not fair. Tim is in the Tennessee area and I am in the northern part of the country. I ask Tim to share about his book Just Keep Breathing that I’m excited about because not only is it captivating but it’s also helping teenagers across the country with feeling like their loved and cared for in their deepest needs right now. Tim shares that the book came to be when he was working with a friend who is a very well known public school speaker, Reggie Dabbs. He is on the road every other day and visiting schools all over the country, in this time he started receiving mess

john_driverages, emails and letters of people who heard Reggie’s story and just wanted to reciprocate by sharing their story. They would share deep personal things, like moments of abuse and we didn’t know what to do with these messages. In Tim’s background as a youth pastor and public school teacher they wanted to do something about it. So Tim and Reggie wanted to start a project where others could see what was going on, so they took twenty-one of these letters and they changed the names and some of the details, any thing that would evade their privacy or cause them to face more issues in life. So they released this book Just Keep Breathing. The book is formatted in a why with the letters first and then Reggie’s response/ encouragement to other who might be going through something similar. The goal is to give those who are in it hope and to give those who have someone they care about encouragement and hope as well.


Next on the show we have Sally Baucke, Sally kick off our interview but talking to me about The Big Bang Theory. There is a character called Sheldon and thinks a perfect title for her life would be “Life with Sheldon” because she is married to a Sheldon. I ask what that looks like, she shares that her husband is brilliant, he can send the their toaster to the moon but he can’t seem to fix it when it’s broken. Things that are living like home, children and cars those things stump him.

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