OMG! (Oh My Gosh!) 5: Brad Todd

OMG! (Oh My Gosh!) 5: Brad Todd March 17, 2014

Comedian Brad Todd joins Ross Bennett from the center of Amish territory, U.S.A. – Lancaster, PA.

Among other things, the two discuss what it’s like to perform stand up comedy in a church.  According to Brad, it’s firstly a ton of fun!  Especially since Brad works clean no matter which venue he finds himself in – and maybe because he, himself, is a Christian – he doesn’t feel much different performing in a church or any other club or show.  In fact, most churches treat it as a huge event, so the audiences often swell to several hundred, which makes the night even more fun.

Now, Brad grew up as a church-going Christian in a small town where he noticed that you’ll never see a McDonald’s or Pizza Hut close, but churches actually have off hours and lock their doors.

Yet sadly, as Brad crisscrosses the country performing at various churches on Saturdays and attending as a visitor on Sundays, he too often notices that the status of the locks on the doors doesn’t have much bearing on the “life” of some congregations. Some churches, whether it’s open or closed, feel lifeless.

Obviously, it has nothing to do with the buildings, but probably more so with the process of allowing God to not only captivate the minds of a congregations, but their hearts.

On that note, Brad recalls when his daughter was two-years-old, receiving a check up from her doctor.  The doctor was asking her silly questions like, “Are these your fingers?” or “Is this your tummy?”

When the doctor put the stethoscope to her chest, and asked “What’s in there?”, instead of the expected answer of “lungs” or “that’s my chest”, Brad’s daughter simply answered, “Jesus.  Jesus is in my heart!”

If only we could all maintain that simple perspective and faith of a child.

You can follow Brad on Twitter @BradToddComedy or you can see videos of Brad’s act and even contact him and book him for your church or corporate organization at his website:

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