July 19, 2021

What You’ve Been Searching For The Scariest Passage In The Bible All right, no more beating around the bush. You’ve asked for it. What is the scariest passage in the Bible? Let’s talk about it. Be strong and courageous. I’m Joel Fieri. This is What You’ve Been Searching For on Christian Podcast Central. Stay tuned. All right. As I said, we beat around the bush long enough. You asked the question, what is the scariest passage in the Bible? The... Read more

July 15, 2021

Ideas have contexts. There are some cultural context in which certain ideas have an awful lot of power, right? Read more

July 14, 2021

All right, so Canada. If you've been paying attention to Canada recently, is being so unhinged. Canada so woke it is locking up pastors Read more

July 13, 2021

Why are Christians so judgmental? You're judging me now. Why are Christians so judgmental, is that a bad thing? How Should Christians Judge? Read more

July 2, 2021

What is the scariest verse in the Bible? I don't have the answer to that today, but I do know of a couple of verses that are pretty scary. Read more

July 2, 2021

It‘s embarrassing to be a man on the Fourth of July in California. Because they are so wussified! Read more

June 23, 2021

Only when you get married can a man ever discover how stupid he's been all these years! Read more

June 21, 2021

Kevin Max of DC Talk saying he's no longer a Christian. He's just an ex-vangelical. He's no longer an evangelical. Read more

June 21, 2021

Kevin Max of DC Talk saying he's no longer a Christian. He's just an ex-vangelical. He's no longer an evangelical. Read more

June 20, 2021

The Postmodern Worldview. Defining post-modernism is a little bit like nailing jello to a wall. I'm not sure how it is, but it is. Read more

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