To Hollywood with Love

To Hollywood with Love February 27, 2013

The Oscars substituted vulgarity for wit and disappointed expectant vulgarians with cut-rate vulgarisms. Oscar assaulted morality, perfectly acceptable, but it also attacked liberal pieties proving once again that establishment Hollywood is not liberal, but libertine. Sites that would never point out the host was no gentleman are happy to point out he was misogynistic.

The difference sometimes escapes me.

If the left attacks restrain, then Hollywood is leftist, but if the left urges restrain then Hollywood attacks the left. How could anyone believe Hollywood leftist when it makes films full of buckets of blood? Is the left rooting for the objectification of yet another Megan Fox? Is the PBS left really keen on another Die Hard film?

Instead, I think what the Hollywood establishment wishes is to make any film they wish to make, say anything they wish to say, and enjoy any pleasure they wish to enjoy. The political left is a useful idiot when it comes to sexual issues while the right helps with guns.

Or so a cynical person might say.

Unlimited liberty is not good, but at least it brings some goods with it: this was a golden year for films. All the nominees, and more than a few ignored films, deserved recognition. Lincoln would have won in an average year, but this was no average year.

Attack Hollywood excess, but recognize: movies have never been better. Acting is better. Cinematography is better. Choices are greater.

Since I can choose to avoid wretchedness, I was able to enjoy the Hobbit while crying at the end of Lincoln. This years Bond, nostalgia notwithstanding, was the best I have ever seen. If Brave was not to Pixar’s usual standard as a while, it still featured a wonderful theme, a strong cast, and was beautiful art from start to finish.

New media has allowed a thriving independent and on-line film market. If big studios did not make it, then smaller groups did. HBU, booming with ideas, is about to start making films and Hollywood can and will do nothing to stop us.

In fact, if we do well enough they will try to give us money. The goodness of this time is important to remember, because the discouraging bits are obvious.

I would rather deal with Vegas morality, then Taliban censorship for this very reason. My ability to choose my media has allowed me the best of decades of film, television, and video. Downton Abbey was eaten this season by the shark it tried to jump, but as good in decline than any television show made in the “Golden Age.”

None of this means the Oscar telecast or the immorality should let off. I don’t want government to censor the Oscars but I can urge individuals to do so.

Ratings were up and I am sorry for it, because as always, inevitably, Captain Kirk was right and the show stank.

If they don’t do better, we should turn off the show. If we do not, then we are tolerating something bad.

But in decrying the evil, I will not be stopped from rejoicing in the good. Jesus is Lord and I am free to govern my life by His standards: against such there is still no law. Hollywood made many great and good films and more than a few entertaining ones and for that I am thankful.

John-the-Baptist their evils, but rejoice in the good always, and because curmudgeonly ways are too popular at my age, again I say rejoice.

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