As the Universe Has Agreed . . .

As the Universe Has Agreed . . . March 20, 2016

Creation-Luther-Lucas-Cranach-Elder-1527 (1)_optI love Jesus.


When I am loving Jesus best, my life agrees with the universe.

This is an odd thing to say, but it is true.

God the Son is the Divine Word that creates the World by His Will. There is a logic, an order that girds everything, that makes science and hope possible. Science because we can think God’s thoughts after Him. Hope because God will make all things sensible in time.

It is a complex cosmos so this sensibility is hard to see, but given centuries, the pattern of God’s providence becomes plain.

Most of all, however, if I ask Jesus to live in my heart, to come and dwell within me, then I can achieve unity with the cosmos as it should be and is in the Mind of God.  This is, not quite, the cosmos as it is, because things are broken. When people fell short of what God intended, it is as if we tossed water on the keyboard of a computer. The thing runs, but intermittently and not fully as intended.

We live in a broken world, but also a world slowly being repaired. Jesus came down: God became human and labored to make bad things good, crooked things straight. He is fixing the cosmos. This is possible because sin could not destroy the underneath order. God is moving things back to what they should be and this makes the “fit” of each atom, each being, each idea better.

When I worship Jesus, I do not stand in what is. The world as it is might mock this sense of rightness. I am instead standing for what the cosmos longs to be . . .is heading for . . .is becoming. I am with the future, but not only the future. I am standing on the deepest foundation of the cosmos that cannot be moved or changed: the idea of Creation in the mind of God. The cosmos shouts the orthodox truth that Jesus is Lord. Jesus is King. Jesus is Savior. Jesus is beautiful.

It is good.

Today at Saint George’s we said these words “As the prophets beheld, as the apostles have taught, as the Church has received, as the teachers have dogmatized, as the universe has agreed, as Grace has shown forth, as Truth has revealed, as falsehood has been dissolved, as Wisdom has presented, as Christ has awarded . . . ”

We spoke those words together and we were one.

Oh Jesus . . . the cosmos agrees with You and I agree with You and so I am one with creation.

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