Christianity and the Cultural Crisis

Christianity and the Cultural Crisis May 19, 2016

Saint ConstantineI outlined the tensions of our era in a brief lecture at The Saint Constantine School a week ago Thursday. Our Provost Dr. Robert Stacey spent time outlining three challenges we face in the United States. . . a talk proved prophetic within twenty-four hours.

Do listen to an academic leader of this revolutionary k-college school here. You can listen to my comments here.

Put bluntly: I believe that we have increasingly failed at the job of educating ourselves and the next generation. We have taught job skills at best, but critical thinking skills are diminished, attention span is waning, and only the ubiquitous nature of cheap entertainment has made a declining standard of living sustainable for the nation. We are not doing better than our parents, but we have better and more entertainment than our parents.

We need communities where we begin the dialectical process of rebuilding a Christian culture. Otherwise, we chose intellectualism over wisdom, graft over virtue, and hedonism over joy.  This can only come by restoring wisdom, virtue, and joy to a central role in life and not accepting cheap substitutes.

Take a listen and consider joining our educational cause!

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