Sixth Day of Christmas: Create and Pass on Creativity

Sixth Day of Christmas: Create and Pass on Creativity December 30, 2016

Leonardo_da_Vinci_-_Virgin_and_Child_with_St_Anne_C2RMF_retouched_optSaint Anne birthed Mary and Mary was the mother of God. This is fecundity! This is the work of creation that forms the basis for the sixth day of Christmas. God made the world in six days and then God rested, but before entering the Sabbath Rest, God made man in His Image.

This creation was a creature that could also create. JRR Tolkien called our human creations “sub-creations” to point out that our making is dependent on God’s making.

That is the problem with merely consuming. Every artist needs an audience and we do a good thing when we are willing to be that audience, but we must also give to be blessed (happy). The person who will not create is selfish, always wishing to be in the role of the receiver. This is why any move toward allowing people to create movies, art, better photos, Facebook pages, or self-publish writing is so helpful.

This is the sixth day vow to create something over this next year. Learn to paint (even using virtual tools!), write a blog (it never died!), or produce a play. Shakespeare is free and now that secular folk look down on him, we have our brother in Christ all to ourselves again.

Most of all, do not be afraid of children. Sex is for having babies and intentionally separating sexuality from parenthood leads to any number of evils. We must not refuse to create. Of course, some of us are too old to have children any more, cannot have children, or are not married. For us fecundity, a glorious necessity to living, can come through helping spiritual children.

It was my honor to grow up in a time where the maiden aunt still existed and a teacher like Miss Davis could mother a neighborhood. She was fruitful in our lives and made joy wherever she went. Nobody was more generous or patient with those with special needs. She was a mother in Israel.

In the same way, men without children, or whose children are grown, can reach out and help those with little ones.  In fact, because natural fathers who do their jobs are so rare, spiritual fathers may be most needed. We need more fun uncles and spiritual grandfathers.

Most of all, we need to recognize that completion comes with the creative act and part of creation is passing on humanity to the next generation. Saint Anne prayed for a child and was given Mary and Mary was given God.

A few of us can emulate Mary and make art or children that might become a little Emmanuel: God with us. These images of the image of God point to something better. Most of us are not so blessed, but stand in the place of Anne: creating a space for the Mary in our lives.

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