Two Cheers for Michael Shermer . . .

Two Cheers for Michael Shermer . . . May 6, 2017

Thankful to Southwestern for a grand event!
Thankful to Southwestern for a grand event!

Recently, I had a chance to dialog with skeptic Michael Shermer. I hope it does not harm Professor Shermer’s standing in the atheist community to say that my wife and I enjoyed meeting him. Hope had a chance to see him at breakfast and enjoyed talking to him about his family.

Watch the dialog and you will see why theists and reasonable people should give two cheers to Shermer.

First, Shermer has strong views and argues for them boldly. There is nothing worse than those who lack the courage of their convictions and Shermer has convictions and boldness in full measure. This makes it easier to make progress, because he puts out a position and argues for that position rationally. Not for him the oatmeal flavored, beige colored, mushy mouthed middling way. Thank God for the godless who say what they think.

If you read the comments under the video, you will note that many of the godless have no trouble saying what they think, but as Shermer concedes, many are lightly read, socially awkward, and close minded in their atheism. Shermer is a refreshing awake mind. He had skepticism toward human caused global warming and was willing to change his mind. Bravo! This is a man who follows the argument and that is rare enough in our era to deserve at least half a cheer. He deserves the whole cheer for being a man unafraid to debate, change his mind, and have a drink with his intellectual “enemies.”

Well done.

The second full throated and hearty cheer comes for Professor Shermer’s defense of traditional liberal values such as free inquiry on campus. I agree with him, but in my community, arguing for free speech on campus for everyone is easy. Our little college would be honored to host Professor Shermer to criticize our views all he wishes. He knows we will give as good as we get!

In the pop atheist community, however, a scholar like Shermer risks his popularity by defending the right of controversial “conservative” speakers to be heard on liberal campuses. Shermer is not afraid and will stand with people whose views he does not share so that they can be heard. This is wholly admirable.

Professor Shermer and I share a conviction that free and open inquiry is precious and necessary to civilization. My guess is that both of us would agree that closing down the free market of ideas is horrific. Shermer does not agree with me, but he is willing to listen. I do not agree with Dr. Shermer, but I am willing to listen.

That is the heritage we both received from our educations. It is the heritage of all free men and women in the world. Houston is an airport hub. I leave Professor Shermer a standing invitation to present his views on anything anytime he is near our school.

Two cheers (at least) for Michael Shermer!


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