The Moral Case Against Veganism (Guest Voice Laudeus Castra)

The Moral Case Against Veganism (Guest Voice Laudeus Castra) April 21, 2021

I publish all kinds of voices from nearly mad defenders of Heidegger to atheists who teach us truth while playing the banjo. That is as it should be. I should listen to other voices. Sadly, my friends age with me and so we wonder: “What are the younglings thinking?”

The difficulty of being me is that I am . . . old. A problem of age is a failure to know what the younglings are thinking. One could publish statistics, assuming one trusts them, or one could publish real younglings. They say. . .unexpected things.


Here is a brief essay by a thoughtful child:  Laudeus Castra. I know him and know his genius. Do you disagree? Send me a response. I hope this is the first of many essays by this mind.

The Moral Case Against Veganism

By Laudeus Castra

Everywhere you look nowadays, you can see the effects of the vegan philosophy: it has been quietly eating away at our culture. Go to any major grocery store or any new restaurant, and the most prominent items bear the labels of “vegan” or “cruelty-free”, meaning that no animals were exploited.

But is avoiding the use of animals really uncruel?

Is it really befitting for humans to eat tofu instead of steak?

From the beginning, God has set mankind in a place to rule the animals. Genesis 1:24 says: “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’” This means that God intended for man to rule animals and that we can and should exploit them.

Further, consider how in the Old Testament, God demanded countless animal sacrifices, or how Jesus said that man “is worth more than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:31). In addition to this, there are times when God explicitly commands people to eat animals. An example is Acts 10:10-13: “[Peter] became very hungry and wanted to eat, and while the food was being prepared, he fell into a trance and saw heaven open and something like a large linen sheet coming down, being lowered by its four corners to the ground. In it were all kinds of four-footed animals, reptiles, and birds of the air. Then a voice told him, ‘Get up, Peter! Kill something and eat it.’”

This shows that man has zero obligation to be “uncruel” to animals. Furthermore, this proves that to not exploit animals is to reject the God-given blessing and responsibility that is to rule the earth. Therefore, not only is veganism unnecessary, it is irresponsible.

If all people were to reject control of animals, that would be extremely uncaring towards the animals. For example, imagine what it would be like to be a sheep without a shepherd or a dog without a master!

Animals exist for us to rule them!

The idea of a “cruelty-free” world is a pagan one: we must reclaim our dominion over nature, which modern culture has told us to reject. Humans should not, as the vegans say, “get back to nature”. We must lead nature back to us.

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