June 19, 2021

1Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us. 2The Lord hath wrought great glory by them through his great power from the beginning. 3Such as did bear rule in their kingdoms, men renowned for their power, giving counsel by their understanding, and declaring prophecies: 4Leaders of the people by their counsels, and by their knowledge of learning meet for the people, wise and eloquent are their instructions . . . My Dad once preached a sermon... Read more

June 18, 2021

We are not just animals. There is a greater purpose for each of us: a good end for each human generally and one particular to us if we choose wisely. The moth hit the water right in front of me. Someplace, somebody told me that once an insect makes contact with pool water, there is no sense trying to save the poor creature. I have, however, watched the Lord of the Rings movies too many times just to watch the moth suffer. In the... Read more

June 17, 2021

Will we trust “the science” (meaning the scientists) to the point of madness? Dr. Eric Holloway is an observer of the humanists and the scientists: a great texts degree, a MSc in Computer Science at the Air Force Institute of Technology and a PhD in Computer Engineering from Baylor University. He is not impressed with either group apart from the other.  He began to worry about those opinion makers, influencers,  he calls “the leaders of the moths.” These moth leaders... Read more

June 16, 2021

A bit of personal history and a small point: Once, just once, there was a splendid sick day. When I was a boy, Mom and Dad never questioned a request for a sick day. I did not like being sick and would get to school if at all possible. Going to school seemed my job and a man did his job: that was basic. There is good to this, but also folly. Once I remember needing to get to the bathroom, leaving... Read more

June 10, 2021

The great feast of the Ascension of the Lord is a summation of the entire Christian life. In the Ascension, we are reminded that this life on earth is not our final destiny. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ascended 40 days after His resurrection to prepare a place for us with His Father. That is our ultimate destination and should be the object of our thoughts, words, and deeds on a daily basis. However, this phronema or outlook concerning... Read more

June 7, 2021

Often we assume that those who know should decide and in one sense that must be true. We sometime confuse knowing about a thing, say science facts, with knowing what to do about a thing. A man can know all the there is to know about his friend, but still not love him well. Merit has a place, but being bright, well credentialed, is not everything. A meritocracy has limits. Often those who have earned the credentials, won the prizes,... Read more

June 6, 2021

I once decided that our future prosperity could be secured by purchasing Southern California real estate. This would provide a place for my parents to live and start a community of college students who could learn from them. My best deal was up the street from us. We would move into the house while students lived in our old home. The engineers inspected and gave us a thumbs up. The house was fine. The detached garage, it turned out, was... Read more

June 5, 2021

To be a parent is to let go: to teach another human being to think, choose, and live for herself.  The rewards are very great as all my, now adult, children teach me. We do not always agree, but I always learn. This is good and beautiful. Both my daughters have taught me, tomorrow one of these wonder women has a birthday. Here is an example of what she taught me when she was so very small, Red Sox jersey... Read more

June 4, 2021

Where there is no music, there is no dialectic. Where there is no art, there is no education.  This late spring early summer, I have turned my thoughts toward the centrality of music and the other fine arts for education. Music matters: the Church started teaching me this as a boy and Plato clarified my thinking as a young man. Later the mothers and fathers of the Church kept repeating as I read their writings that in this is our... Read more

June 3, 2021

Jesus was the master teacher, better at “Socratic dialogue” than Socrates. The Athenians began with (mostly) rich young men in one of the most educated cities in the Mediterranean world. Jesus walked with a much more diverse group of disciples, men, and women, rich and poor, and made them world changers. Socrates educated Plato, but the Lord Jesus walked with His students and gave Himself to them. Jesus created the Apostles: renewed them by allowing them to choose to become... Read more

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