the c(h)urch is killing the (o)ther [Video]

the c(h)urch is killing the (o)ther [Video] April 11, 2012

INTRO: the other is that which is different to us. that which is foreign or even monstrous to us and our sensibilities. historically, the church has struggled not only to engage with the other, but also to allow the other to maintain that which makes them other. this video is about why that needs to change (Turn your speakers up!)


Quote at the beginning of the Video:

As opposed to the official feast, one might say that
carnival celebrated temporary liberation from the prevail-
ing truth and from the established order; it marked the
suspension of all hierarchical rank, privileges, norms,
and prohibitions. Carnival was the true feast of time, the
feast of becoming, change, and renewal. It was hostile to
all that was immortalized and completed.
(Bakhtin 1984: 10)

the other is that which is different to us. that which is foreign or even monstrous to us and our sensibilities. historically, the church has struggled not only to engage with the other, but also to allow the other to maintain that which makes them other. this video is about why that needs to change

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