February 16, 2016

“Next time you have the opportunity,” Jesus taught, “when you are having a dinner for friends,” invite the misfits from the wrong side of the tracks. You’ll be a blessing, and you’ll be blessed.” (Luke 14:12-14, The Message). Who is invited to your church? Your first instinct might be to say, “Everyone!” But who’s invited, welcome, is much more than who can come in theory. During winter holidays, I have the opportunity to visit a few churches that were new... Read more

February 15, 2016

It would be amusing if it wasn’t so chilling.  Looking at old movies at the thrift store, I smirk at our former fear-mongering.  It seems so quaint, so naive, from such a bygone era.  And it makes me think about the present-day fear-mongering that I probably don’t even notice.  Remember Red Dawn, when it seemed so plausible that Russians would invade the US?  Thirty years later, the remake of the same film depicts nefarious North Koreans doing the deed– a... Read more

February 13, 2016

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. – Alan Watts After having left religion, I found God. Let me be clear here as not to confuse the pop-culture appropriation of hipster spirituality so prevalent today; wherein, someone re-organizes their linguistic choices and creates new aphorisms like: I left religion but gained a relationship (and etc.). For me, leaving organized religion, in this case, Christianity, wasn’t just... Read more

February 13, 2016

Black Women live in a crossroads of oppression where racism and sexism meet, and that is without even mentioning those of us that a queer, experiencing poverty, disabled, new to this nation, elderly, or adolescent. We face a unique struggle because we are constantly told that we are not good enough and we have to ask ourselves if the hate is because of our race, our gender, or both this time. Our bodies are consistently, historically, and unapologetically policed. Our... Read more

February 12, 2016

The Lenten season begins by people asking what they need to do or give up to live into their faith. This year I’ve spent a considerable amount of time questioning what it means to not only call myself a Christian but how I can live in a way that honors the teachings and example of Jesus. I’m drawn to the words of Micah 6:8 that remind me that part of this is lived through standing for justice, embracing mercy, and... Read more

February 11, 2016

Three Things Our Friends Experiencing Homelessness Need from You I spend my days working at one of Atlanta’s busiest homeless service agencies. I also get the pleasure of working with many missions teams, alternative spring breaks, and corporate service groups. I love my job, and I love building relationships with my friends experiencing homelessness. I have recently been asked by a lot of friends about what it is that our friends experiencing homelessness really need. So here are three things:... Read more

February 8, 2016

Lent arrives this week with its themes of fasting, reflection, and penance. As I prepare, I am aware that this season requires countercultural ways of being – of living – that don’t come easily to most of us. We’ve become accustomed to our routines and privileges and feel comforted and entitled to having them in our lives. Fasting is the opposite of the communal gluttony that football fans just enjoyed on Super Bowl Sunday. Reflection is difficult in the midst... Read more

February 4, 2016

Yesterday, in a DC suburb, I had another one of those profound religious/spiritual moments in the presence of an ecumenical group of clergy members, professional organizers, and community activists while we worked together on the Metro IAF Do Not Stand Idly By campaign for responsible gun manufacturing, distribution, and use. I have so many beautiful stories to tell from this shared work, including the tremendous persistence and courage that resulted in President Obama’s recent executive order on guns and the boldness... Read more

January 30, 2016

I’ve been doing yoga therapy lately. In simplistic terms it’s a kind of counseling that takes the body along for the ride.  In these sessions I have been uncovering beliefs that I have held about men. It’s pretty much all borne from an oppressive and abusive father. But in the journey it’s also uncovered mean boys from my youth, the man who raped me and the boyfriends who broke my heart. It all leads to the same kind of message;... Read more

January 25, 2016

Below is an interview with Associate Chaplain of the United Methodist Protestant Community at American University (and my husband), David Finnegan-Hosey, on the fidelity of limits. This interview was inspired by real life circumstances. David and I were married in September, by November we had already moved and started three new jobs each. With this rapid onslaught of life transitions came stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and depression. When we finally came to terms with our limitations things began to change. We’re now... Read more

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