On George and Jonathan and You

On George and Jonathan and You May 4, 2012

George and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

I love to cook for people, shared meals are one of the ways I express and encounter deepening of relationship. I love to open my home to others as a place of respite or companionship,  and always  laughter (and mixed beverages.)  I want people to feel welcome, visible, and safe when they enter my home.  But I have never lived in intentional community with strangers who then became friends and family. That kind of life-sharing is different. Not better. But certainly beautiful and different. I am thankful for those who feel called to share life in these ways because it always serves as a witness to people like me of one more way of life-altering kingdom living. I am both challenged and encouraged by intentional communities. I learn about one more side of “loving your neighbor.” I glimpse another way of “being hospitable to strangers and entertaining angels.”

My friend and fellow writer, Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove, lives in an intentional community called the Rutba House. He turns  strangers into friends and housemates on a regular basis. I just met one of his new friends, George. You met him too if you watched the video above. I don’t live in the Rutba House but both George and I live in what I like to call the OIC, The Original Intentional Community known as the present and coming Kingdom of God. And because we’re family in the OIC, George’s concerns are my concerns. And your concerns. So it would be a good idea to recognize that in some form or another. Here’s one way.

It may seem small and simple but it’s a start. George got shot and is now paralyzed. George wants to drive. It would help a lot if George could drive. But he needs a van. We can vote to help George win a van that he could actually drive. Please do it.

1) Click here to Vote for George. (Use the promo code “963″ to multiply your initial vote times five.)

2) Share this. Email it. Tweet it. Post it to Facebook. Holler at everyone in your office and ask them to help.

3) Vote Early, Vote Often. We’re getting a late start, but you can vote once every 24 hours until May 13th.

With thanks.


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