April 8, 2012

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April 6, 2012

Is feeling nothing the same as SHOUTING? Numbness sharp as nails making this day the same as any other Friday. It doesn’t feel Good. You can’t force Feelings. Thank God Love is not just about feelings. We’d all be screwed or nailed. Still, I’ll go through and wear the motions like a habit of shouting numbly, quietly CRUCIFY HIM. And during this Hollow Triduum of Hollow Week I’ll go through the motions of waiting. Then of being elated of receiving... Read more

March 22, 2012

It’s been almost a month since the slaying of Trayvon Martin. This particular African-American child was intentionally shot through the chest while walking back from the store in a Florida suburb. He was armed with a pack of skittles and some iced tea. For the past few weeks, each time I open my Facebook account or scroll through Twitter I see endless posts about the Trayvon Martin case. And I’ve seen Trayvon’s face over and over again. He was 17... Read more

March 20, 2012

“Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees, takes off his shoes – The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.” — Elizabeth Barrett Browning In her book, Waiting for God, the French philosopher, Simone Weil, suggests that attention is the chief means by which our souls encounter God. Today is the first day of spring. I can’t imagine a more delightful  season in which we can practice paying attention.  It’s like... Read more

March 10, 2012

“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” So begins the Invisible Children’s KONY 2012 video that went viral yesterday. And yet, I would perhaps change this opening quote to say something like, “Nothing is more powerful than the stories by which we construct our identities,” because these stories determine who you believe you are and how you believe you can engage the world and with others. Powerful. Potentially dangerous. Always in some way failing in it’s... Read more

March 6, 2012

Last night I took my good friend and fellow blogger Erin to the sneak preview screening of “Blue Like Jazz,” directed by the amazing Steve Taylor. The movie, which comes out on April 13th, is based on the bestselling book by Donald Miller. Before the movie started Erin and I went to say hello to Steve, a growing friend I met a year ago, and who happens to be not just uber-talented but also one of the nicest people out... Read more

February 29, 2012

Today’s post is courtesy of guest writer, Grace Biskie (Thanks Grace!) It’s the last day of Black History month.   Is there anything exciting about ending a month where many of us aren’t even sure what exactly we are supposed to be doing during Black History Month?  Is the month set aside to merely think about what blacks have done?  I have a friend that posted important inventions by black inventors on his Facebook wall every day during Black History Month.... Read more

February 20, 2012

We buried my father at the end of a long red clay dirt road in his ancestral village of Akunwanta, in the town of Arondizuogu, in the state of Imo, in South eastern Nigeria, on the West Coast of Africa. Akunwanta is the piece of land to which I can trace my paternal ancestry as far back as possible. Akunwanta is the second half of my hyphenated surname, the part I don’t use unlike my father and brother. I am... Read more

February 8, 2012

May my teaching drop like the rain, my speech condense like the dew; like gentle rain on grass, like showers on new growth. (Deut 32:2) I just turned thirty-late a few days ago and much to my chagrin I am not aging gracefully. I have no delight in getting older. Which in my opinion is really a shame because I come from a West African culture where aging is synonymous with wisdom, increasing respect, and a sense of personal freedom.... Read more

February 6, 2012

“I See Black People” It’s already six days into Black History month and I’m only just getting to a post now??! I know, I know, I only have 22 more days to celebrate black people so I better get on it huh? Well, you all already know who Martin Luther King Jr. is, and according to this video the general public knows some other black people, like Chris Foxx. Excuse me, I mean Jamie Rock. Gosh, I always get those... Read more

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