The Story in the Ritual

The Story in the Ritual October 18, 2023

I planned a special ritual for the eclipse this past Saturday. A transformation, a bond, and a commitment. I carefully thought out each element and spent the week preparing for it. A culmination of decades of work… I had one idea – She showed another.

The start of the ritual went just as I had planned. I set each element, I spoke the words, I lit the candles, and then the Mother of Death took over. It wasn’t about bonding, the bond was there. It wasn’t about transformation, that was already completed. I didn’t need to speak the commitment because it was already etched deep into my heart. This ritual wasn’t about becoming, it was about understanding – it became the story of all that has led me to this moment.

This is the story that She told in wax and in the cards. As each scene took shape in the wax I felt compelled to draw two cards (tarot) – one on the right side of the candles and one on the Left. This is not about the ritual, but the story told within it.

It Begins

The large multicolored candle represented Her, the skeletal candle represented me.

On the Left – Power of the Voice. The conviction in the words. Mastery of the self and path. Leadership that has been earned, not given or taken.

On the Right – Two sides clashing together, for the purpose of alliance. Awaken the Will and the Self.

At the start my flame is small, unwavering, and split into two. Hers is strong, tall, and dancing excitedly.

The Story

As the wax falls down the side of Her candle it starts to form a white snake. The White snake – the Ancestral Soul. The pink starts to flow around the snake, downwards toward my candle in gentle waves. – The White snake is surrounded by Her, Her love, and that love creating a bridge, a bond, between Her and myself.

From the snake, a woman is born.

As I watch the wax flow downwards, a small child starts to take shape at Her side. The message was for the snake, the woman, and the child – the relationships between – “Do not let it be stagnant but full of love, bonded, centered.”

The bond between lives that is carried in the ancestral soul. The bond in life, between mother and child. The bond between Her and I on this path. All are represented here.

The face of a cougar starts to appear, the mountains behind rise up, and the Ravens outside raise their voices. The reflections of my soul, the reflections of my path, the reflections of my life.

The twists and bonds – The journey it has taken to get here. The faces, the stages, the transformations it has taken to get to this moment in time.

The young woman and child shift and change into the Crone.

She is my reflection and I am Hers.

The Journey fell away – The wax disconnected itself from the candle, falling to the side. This is all that was, the cycle, and now it comes to what is.

The next set of messages is about now and what is next…


Time to aim all you have gained, learned, and acquired in specific directions – outwards – into the world – moving into new territories.

The Ravens call again, echoing through the valley. The eyes of the self candle are now illuminated.

The eyes are now open – as the Mother of Death She becomes detached from any dogma, any face, any name, any culture, any boxes, for She has none. She is any and all – the Core – the True Primal.

As the face falls away, the head melts and splits, the strength grows. Free and in Her full power.

My candled hands still up, holding Her flame sacred, holding Her sacred. They also hold my flame with the same sacredness. Her Fire – My Fire – held together.

The Sun – a new Dawn – illuminated knowledge.

When the head falls away, all that remains is the heart.

When the hands fall away, all that remains is the heart.

A new life – not from a new start but birthed from the long journey. Not developing new skills but exploring and mastering the depths of all that I have acquired.

It is a reaping of the harvest I have curated. Where the path no longer moves forward, but expands and deepens. I have reached the end, but it is not an ending – The foundation, structure, and house has been built. There will be no new additions or construction. It is all about how I use it now, what I fill it with, how I live the rest of my life within it.

In the end, in the wax – a woman bows before the Mother of Death. As the fire burn, the shape of the woman starts to look more like a fetus and pulled closer to the of the Mother of Death. Another representation of the cycle.

Yes, a life lived – a path followed – a vocation accepted – skills acquired – foundations solidified – a house built – a commitment followed – and the never ending cycle of life, death, and rebirth – the Mother of Death.

The Reading After

The Path Reading after ritual…

Path Reading Layout

You have acquired all the parts, all the skills, all the lessons, all the transformations – the elements you need to create the wealth.

In the Spiritual – the High Priestess, a leader committed to the community that is built (Leadership is about serving and protecting, not controlling and dominating). New is not in the direction, it is in the depth with what has already been gained.

In the Physical – Power of the Voice. Leaving a trail for others to follow. Reaping the rewards of all the work.

The strength and endurance developed through all that was, will serve me well going forward.

In the Present – This is a time of celebrating – Public celebration – to dance, while holding all the cups that have been filled throughout the journey. The foundations, the structures, the skills are all there – this is a time of intimate connection and bond, going deeper.

The Challenge – Standing in this place, in my Fire but not stopping the growth of depth, not boxing yourself or Her within.

What will Guide me through the challenge – The Mother of Death, the completed transformation of the self is ready to expand beyond, into the depths and into the world (sharing).

The hidden energy that could cause issues: other people’s dogma, their anger, what they feel threatens them

Ending Thoughts

I went into this thinking I was entering another stage/ level of my journey – What She showed me was that I was already there and at the end of it. My journey is no longer about forward growth, it is about going to the depths of all that I has been acquired. No more building or adding in the sense of construction – but the expansion and maximized utilization of what has already been built.

It is a strange place I find myself in. To be at the end. To understanding the different direction – that growth is not always forward, not always new and adding – but in living as the embodiment of all you have built. It is hard to put into words, and my words do not come close to doing justice to the emotions and inner feelings.

I understand now, why She said She was to be my last – my last Deity, my last Face of Guide, the one who I would finish out this life with. She is, because She is the deepest core, the true Primal, of the pattern of Death and Rebirth (at least in my perspective) – the nameless, the faceless, belonging to all and all belonging to Her. Another reflection of this “ending”.

I realize this is a much different kind of article then I usually write. It may even be a style you completely hate, but I felt it had to be written …

Perhaps I am writing this more for myself than for you, yet I feel someone out there will resonate and understand this, because it is where they are finding themselves as well.

We see an end as a stopping point – yet when the construction of the house is completed, that is an end of the constructing, but just the beginning of it becoming a home. The structure being decorated by all the things we fill it with, how we utilize it, and the kind of living that turns it from house to home. This is the type of ending this is all referring to.

Thanks for baring with me for all those who got this far. We will now be going back to our regular programming (my usual style), lol.

Mother of Death
About Esa
Author, Spirit Walker, Seeker, Guide. You are building your own path, your own connections, and shaping your own destiny. We can inspire others through sharing - we can Guide through our own experiences - but each of us must walk our own path. You can read more about the author here.

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