“You’re Water. We’re the millstone.
You’re Wind. We’re dust blown into shapes.
You’re Spirit. We’re the opening and closing of our hands.
You’re the Clarity. We’re the language that tries to say it.
You’re Joy. We’re all the different kinds of laughing.”
-Jalal al-Din Rumi
Each of us contain a drop of the Pure Essence.
It’s called your fitrah.
What better way is there to live than to
know we are always
connected to the Essence of the One?
Source: courtesy of The Essential Rumi. Photo credits:Photo by Ryan Hutt CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
The University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism offers a unique educational opportunity to all those who seek spiritual healing and who long for a life in unity with the creation and the Creator. A classical Sufi education teaches the human being how to be truly happy. Through developing an intimate and holy relationship with God, the spiritual traveler begins to receive the divine outpouring of healing, protection, wisdom and knowledge from the Source. As self-limiting habits, experiences and beliefs are gently washed away, the heart becomes filled to overflowing with love, beauty and peace. A deeply purposeful life of divinely-guided service to others naturally unfolds.
USHS offers classes in Advanced Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Peacemaking, and Spiritual Ministry & Healing and Sufi Studies.
ENROLLMENT IS OPEN NOW FOR FALL CLASSES. You are invited to join us. Click here to schedule a FREE chat with one of our advisors.