Frequently Asked Questions about Sufism

  1. What is Sufism?
  2. What are the main tenets of Sufism?
  3. Tenet 1: Unity of all creation and God.
  4. Tenet 2: Everyone has access to a relationship with the Divine; there’s no need for intermediaries.
  5. Tenet 3: All Human Beings are created from One Soul.
  6. Tenet 4: Each of us carries the imprint of the divine or the divine light within.
  7. Tenet 5: From this flows a kind of respect, politeness or adab, in which we strive to treat each other as creations of and reflections of the Divine.
  8. What manifests to you is from you, for you and is you.
  9. What is the practice of Tawba/Return?
  10. Is Sufism the same as Islam?
  11. Is Sufism a religion?
  12. How does Sufism relate to other Abrahamic religions (or non-Abrahamic)?
  13. How do I know if the guidance I’m getting is real?
  14. What is the journey like if I want to step onto the path of Sufism?
  15. What is spiritual healing in the Sufi way?
  16. Why do Muslim women wear a head covering, hijab?
  17. Similarities between yoga and Muslim prayer (salat) positions.
  18. What are the similarities and differences between Mindfulness Meditation and Sufi Remembrance Meditation?
  19. What is perspective of Sufism on violence and war?
  20. How can a person who cares about peace and justice help bring more love, hope and positivity to our world? Part 1: Families
  21. How can a person who cares about peace and justice help bring more love, hope and positivity to our world? Part 2: The World
  22. How do the teachings of Sufism support people to navigate their day to day lives more effectively?
  23. Please explain Jamal (beauty) and Jalal (severity) and how to think about them.
  24. How does Sufi Spiritual Healing help heal trauma?
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Question #1: What is Sufism?


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Question #3: Tenet 1: Unity of all creation and God.


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Question #4: Tenet 2: Everyone has access to a direct connection with the Divine.


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Question #5: Tenet 3: All Human Beings are created from One Soul.


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Question #6: Tenet 4: Each of us carries the imprint of the divine or the divine light within.


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Question #9: What is Tawba?


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Question #10: Is Sufism the same as Islam?


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Question #11: Is Sufism a religion?


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Question #15: What is Spiritual Healing in the Sufi Way?


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Question #16: Why do Muslim women wear a head covering, hijab?


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Question #17: Similarities between yoga and Muslim prayer (salat) positions.


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Question #18: What are the similarities and differences between Mindfulness Meditation and Sufi Remembrance Meditation?


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Question #20: How can a person who cares about peace and justice bring more love, hope and positivity into the world? Part 1: Families


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Question #21: Question #19: How can a person who cares about peace and justice bring more love, hope and positivity into the world? Part 2: The World


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Question #22: How do the teachings of Sufism support people to navigate their day to day lives more effectively?


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Question #24: How does Sufi Spiritual Healing help heal trauma?


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Submit your questions below:


Blessings & Gratitude,
Your friends and family at USHS


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