Enter into a world of healing, love, sacred knowledge and abundant divine blessings.
“The University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism is a spiritual university that opens her doors to all people who are searching for the truth through the way of God, to all people who love truth and justice, to all people who want to carry the spirit of God, to all those people who love God regardless of their religion or beliefs.
This University teaches only divine knowledge that leads to happiness, love and peace.”
– Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal
Spiritual Guide of USHS
About USHS
The University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism (USHS) offers programs for anyone seeking profound personal healing and spiritual fulfillment. We also offer training for those who want to be agents of divinely-guided healing for individuals, families, communities, and areas of society they wish to serve.
Healing in the Sufi way begins by establishing a deep connection with Divine Love, then opening to streams of healing light from God, and culminates in transforming physical illness and emotional pain into states of greater health and spiritual wholeness.
USHS has been transforming the lives of its students for over 10 years. Our students range from professional healers to business leaders, from artists to peacemakers, from undergraduates to parents. Our teachings are universal in their relevance and application.
Our academic program is uniquely structured to integrate learning and growth directly into the lives of our students without any need to move or leave work full-time. This makes our program flexible enough for most, while enhancing the learning experience for each student through seamless integration with their daily lives.
USHS also offers public programs for those who cannot yet make the full commitment to our core academic program, or who would like to taste the benefits of our teachings. These public programs range from location-based classes to distance learning opportunities. Of these, many are offered at no cost.
We pray that you will give yourself the gift of love, peace, mercy and true freedom for your heart and soul. We pray that you will join us for the benefit of your work, your life, your family, your community, and our world.