Review of “Are You the One Who is to Come?”

Review of “Are You the One Who is to Come?” February 7, 2014

All of my books have a special place in my life and memory, but my volume Are You the One Who is to Come? The Historical Jesus and the Messianic Question is among my favourites. It feels kind of like my Habiltation and I think I made a solid scholarly case for Jesus as a messianic claimant. Sadly, though it seems to be largely ignored in most studies on messiahship that I’ve read over in the last couple of years (sigh!).

Anyway, glad to see a review of it up at Reading Acts by Philip Long.

He concludes:

This book appeared while I was working on my dissertation on the messianic banquet, so I quickly read through the book looking for material that I could use in that project. Much of the material in the first few chapters was familiar since I was working through similar issues. When I was asked to review the book as a part of the Logos Library I was able to re-read the book more slowly in order to catch the overall flow of the book. The book would make an excellent college or seminary textbook in a Gospels class since it does an excellent job describing the variety of messianic expectations in the Second Temple Period. It is not overly technical, although some of the details from the Dead Sea Scrolls might be overwhelming to some readers.  The footnotes provide a rich bibliography for readers who desire to dig deeper into messianic expectations in the Second Temple Period.

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