Recommended Podcasts

Recommended Podcasts September 11, 2019

I love listening to podcasts on the way to work, here’s a few I’d recommend for this week:

My Ridley colleague, John Dickson, has just launched his own podcast Undeceptions where “Every week on Undeceptions we’ll explore some aspect of life, faith, history, culture, or ethics that is either much misunderstood or mostly forgotten. With the help of people who know what they’re talking about, we’ll be trying to ‘undeceive ourselves’ and let the truth ‘out’.” In the first episode John Dickson enters the climate-controlled vault housing the earliest manuscripts of the epistles of Paul, and speaks to head archivist Brendan Haug about where these “papers” came from and what they mean.

You must check out the interviews including

Brandon Smith with Kevin Vanhoozer about theological interpretation (Church Grammar)

Amy Brown Hughes interviews John Behr about Origen (On Script) – FYI, this is awesome, my pick for the week!

N.T. Wright is interviewed about the meaning of the world Gospel (Bible Project)

Justin Brierly interviews N.T. Wright about Zionism, Israel, and Christ’s Return (Ask N.T. Wright Anything)

Michael Jensen and Megan Du Toit hammer out women, ministry, and the church (With All Due Respect)

Preston Sprinkle interviewed Tish Harrison Warren about turning from Baptist to Anglican (Theology in the Raw)

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