You Freaking Twilight Freak.

You Freaking Twilight Freak. July 19, 2010

Oh Robby, you make my heart beat fast too.
Oh Robby, you make my heart beat fast too.

Ugh.  I did NOT want to have to post a blog about Twilight but unfortunately I do.

A few weeks ago, my hubby had a lively conversation with some friends of his about the ins & outs of the Twilight saga on tweeny-bops & young adult teen-agers for whom these books are targeted.

Just like the Harry Potter books there were those arguing both sides: everything from “they are so evil,” to “there’s lots of wonderful spiritual principles to draw from.”

So. I just had to find out for myself.

Thankfully, my friend told me about the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services.  (If you live in MI -check it out- unlimited free ebooks -whee!) 🙂

Let’s just say in the last 1.5 weeks I’ve done little else than completely ingest the 1,000+ pages of the Twilight saga –books 1 & 2.  Followed by the Twilight & New Moon movies.  I’m in book 3 now & chomping at the bit to get to the theatre to see Eclipse soon.

I’m not going to get into the various sides of the argument.  What I will say is this: if I had an 11-18 year old who wanted to read the series I’d suggest we read them at the same time and talk through some of the major themes dealt with.

How totally lame of me right?  My kids will have to learn to deal with their nerdy Mama.

As a story, it’s fun.  Flat out.  It’s just good, page-turning, drippy, cheesy, high-school romance fun.  You may say I’ve been a tad obsessed, or you may call me a freaking Twilight freak ~ that’s fine too.  I am.  And, I have so unfortunately realized how easy on the eyes Robert Pattinson is.  Ugh.  So annoying, right?!?!

Okay. Um. No comment.
Okay. Um. No comment.

Well, if your on the fence about whether or not to take the plunge: DO!  It’s a great escapist book series.  And I am so glad that I read the books -as always- before seeing the movies, though both adaptations were great.

(or maybe I just really like Robby).

P.S.  Fyi, my hubby knows all about my -hopefully flighty- Pattinson fixation.  We watched the movies together & he kept calling Edward “my man.” Lol.


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