Twilight’s, Breaking Dawn Part 1 – Movie Review

Twilight’s, Breaking Dawn Part 1 – Movie Review November 23, 2011

I saw it, I confess.

I really enjoyed the books, I confess.

I know the films have gotten like -25 on the tomatoe meter but I like them, I confess.

I OWN one, I confess. (New Moon)

I know it’s a very teeny-bop sort of thing to be all up in the Twilight mix, but in my defense there are TONS of Twi-Hards in their 30’s.  Actually, I know some serious Twi-Hards older than me if you can stomach it.

I don’t why I feel so embarrassed by it.  Maybe it feels too trendy?  Maybe feels like I’m jumping on the whole vampires-are-cool bandwagon?

Well, whatever the case, I’m comin’ out the closet, doggone it!

Love her or hate her, the now millionaire, Stephanie Meyer managed to write a really intriguing love triangle with bad and good vampires to boot!

And, drats that Stephanie Meyer she made me care about Edward & Bella…hoping they’ll push past their uh, differences.

Then she wrote Edward as perfect.  He’s beautiful, always polite, always a gentleman, ballin’ out of control, has the strength and speed of Superman, he respects women, is always honorable & will give Bella ANYTHING she wants, except sex.

Seriously.  Who wouldn’t want Edward?  Or at the very least, to read 400 pages of him being his perfectly-perfect self while he’s protecting Bella from all manner of evil (and that putz, Jacob).

It’s the modern fairly tale of our day: Man meets dying boy, makes vampire, vampire meets accident prone girl who is loved by wolf but chooses vampire, produces half-vampire spawn loved by wolf.  The End.  What’s not to love?

Sure, the movies weren’t Oscar winners but there is only ONE Oscar winner a year, sheesh.  Who can compete with that?

Can’t one learn to forgive the films when one can find themselves caught up in R Patz & K Stew’s real life romance.  One could argue that they really do have serious chemistry.  Said chemistry works in these films.  Seriously, there is chemistry in this picture for crying out loud.

There you have it folks.  Breaking Dawn: Part 1 was my FAVE movie so far because well, because of Robert Pattinson.  Not merely because the producers FINALLY found a way to show how incredibly cute he is in real life, but because —for the first time in all the films– he’s actually happy.  He laughs.  They get married, they finally have sex.  Never before in films, have I been so happy to see that a couple got married and then scored!  I digress.  He’s happy ~ hurrah! He’s not even tormented until the 2nd half of the film. Ahhhhhh…it was so nice.

Did I have a non-stop smile on my face before the wedding started like I was actually there?  Um, yeah.  Did I cry during the wedding?  Fine! Yes!  Did I cry when the baby was born?  Ugh, yes.  Yes, yes, yes & more yes, I LOVED all of it.

On top of all of my –very good reasons– it was a GREAT adaptation and stayed very true to the books.

So.  If you want to embrace your inner emotional self, and have more good reasons to loathe that 16 yr. old immature, Jacob Black then RUSH out to see this film.

p.s. #TeamEdwardForever, baby!

p.s.s. R Patz is hot.  There I said it.








p.s.s.s. The hubs knows I find R Patz to be hotness-incarnate, so he’s okay with my public display of affection.  We all appreciate beauty right?

p.s.s.s.s. I know my blog header is mysteriously different, I am not sure what sort of tomfoolery I did to make this happen.  Sigh.

p.s.s.s.s.s. If you want to be entered into a book giveway read & comment on my last post.

ANY OTHER TWI-HARDS SEE THE FILM?  What do you guys think about the books?  The movies?  R Patz? The adaptations?  Fan or foe??? =)


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