I swooned…

I swooned… March 31, 2011

…when I saw my book. Really. There it was, the actual book, in my hands.

I don’t think I’ve ever swooned before. I was lightheaded all night.

I’ve landed back in my body now. And I feel completely happy about this book, this amazing co-creation that has taken 2 1/2 years to move from the idea stage to the perfectly-textured cover/just-right heft/beautifully-designed tome that I can hold.

And a book that I can share, and tell people, “go to chapter x and read all about this–it’s perfect for your situation.” That I can move out of my heart and head and have people try out my ideas, maybe debate them and find them useful or strange or interesting or completely frustrating or–my biggest hope–transformative. A book that will support people in using relationship to find their real, most authentic, divine selves.

This book reflects me. I put my all into it, didn’t hold back. I bless it, send it out into the world, where it will find its own way.

Come celebrate the launch of The Relationship Ride: A Usable, Unusual, Transformative Guide. Saturday, April 2, 7:00pm, The Boulder Center for Conscious Living, 1637 28th St (west of Q’doba). Book reading/signing, champagne and noshes, sea shanties and jigs, and free sailor hats to the first 50 people!

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