February 22, 2012

I led a “fishbowl coaching” session last night, where brave souls agree to be in the middle, getting coached by me, while others support and learn from the coaching by sitting in an outside circle. We had three 45 minute sessions together. The first slot was filled by an adult child/parent combination; the other two were individuals who wanted to work through some stuck places. As the night went on, there was a palpable sense of cozy intimacy, the feeling... Read more

February 12, 2012

Yesterday, I taught my annual One Day Intensive on Sexuality, Creativity, and Aliveness to a wonderful group of participants. It was a lively day, as we explored a subject that can seem so complicated, with its potential for triggering old issues and exposing the intricacies of trying to connect intimately with another human. And yet–I felt sad. As the day wore on, it became clear to me that even these folks, who are so motivated to be conscious that they... Read more

January 29, 2012

We humans are brilliant at storytelling, and, judging from the endless stream of movies, plays, TV shows, and celebrity gossip columns, we entrance ourselves with both telling them and hearing them. The stories might be long and drawn out: ‘Once upon a time, there was a little girl who went out into the forest…” “Have you heard what happened to Bob in Accounting when his wife found out what he was really doing when he said he was working late?”... Read more

January 15, 2012

There’s a part of me that wants to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. You? Do you ever feel the urge to get it done, push it through, do it on your time, not someone else’s? I can feel the difference in my body. I get that set in my jaw, the forward tilt of my head when I’ve let my mind take over. It thinks it has the solution and knows how it all should happen. If I really tune in, I... Read more

January 8, 2012

I was in my Bikram yoga class, late this January afternoon. I love that time, being in a hot, humid room as the sky outside darkens. I find myself going deeper and deeper inward as the world outside dims and its forms blend together into nothing recognizable. The room was packed. Between the online deal that Radha, the studio owner, had recently offered, and the fact that it’s only January 8, so  New Year’s resolutions are in full effect, our... Read more

December 27, 2011

Labile. Moody. Unstable. Childish. Erratic, fickle, fitful, flighty. We have so many words to describe people who don’t control their emotions, who make the mistake of showing on the outside what is  going on inside. The message is clear: to be mature is to be “cool,” to not let any part of our bodies betray us by actually signaling what is occurring emotionally. What would it be like if we completely trusted our emotional experience, if we matched our inner... Read more

December 18, 2011

My partner and I just spent a few days in Las Vegas. The idea of this makes me chuckle, as I remember when I thought Las Vegas was tacky, tawdry, and a way to separate fools from their (our) money. The only reason I’d go was because our families thought Vegas was a great place to rendezvous. I’d spend the time trying to stay “above” it all, and couldn’t wait to leave. Then I noticed something. Las Vegas is an... Read more

December 4, 2011

I’m a student of manifestation. I have ongoing intentions, I write them down and speak them out loud, I believe that living in integrity gives them more strength. As I’ve played with all of this over the years, I’ve noticed that manifesting isn’t the linear path I’d imagined it to be. I might be verrry clear about what I want–to get somewhere fast, to get my tasks done easily, to have full workshops–then not actualize those things. So, what’s up... Read more

November 9, 2011

The other day, I sat down with one of my favorite spirituality-focused magazines. I looked forward to feeling the inspiration of the words, to connecting with kindred spirits. I was surprised by what I found. Though the intention of the magazine is clearly to uplift and communicate principles of higher consciousness, I could feel my body being impacted by the victim-speak of the articles. One author described her trip to Las Vegas, and how difficult it was for her to... Read more

October 27, 2011

Many folks believe that there’s something wrong with certain emotions. It might be OK to be scared and sad, but not mad–that’s mean! Or anger is acceptable, but not that wimpy stuff like fear or sadness. In some families, being happy was the only state allowed. Trying to express only certain emotions stops the flow. As Katie Hendricks says, all emotions–mad, sad, glad, scared, sexual–come from the same hose. You can’t just turn off some of the water without slowing... Read more

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