April 12, 2011

Here it is a week and a half out from the launch party of The Relationship Ride, and I still feel the swirl of love, fun, and pure support from the launch party on April 2. Looking out to the faces of so many people that I love–75 of them!–enfolded me in the certainty of my absolute wealth in this world. One of the many lessons I’ve had through the process of publishing this book is the benefit of giving... Read more

March 31, 2011

…when I saw my book. Really. There it was, the actual book, in my hands. I don’t think I’ve ever swooned before. I was lightheaded all night. I’ve landed back in my body now. And I feel completely happy about this book, this amazing co-creation that has taken 2 1/2 years to move from the idea stage to the perfectly-textured cover/just-right heft/beautifully-designed tome that I can hold. And a book that I can share, and tell people, “go to chapter... Read more

March 24, 2011

…to when I get to hand out cigars. The publishers have the proof–now we’re waiting to see what the actual baby/book looks like, count all of its fingers and toes. Here’s another taste of my new book, The Relationship Ride: A Usable, Unusual, Transformative Guide. Be sure to come celebrate with me on April 2! (Details below.) “This whole process of finding “in-love-ness” and losing it can seem so mystifying. Because being in love feels so wonderful, we search for... Read more

March 17, 2011

My brilliant editor and dear friend, Verna Wilder, and I just did the dance of joy in the corridor of the BCCL. Why? Because in our very hands was the proof of my new book, The Relationship Ride: A Usable, Unusual, Transformative Guide. We sat down and savored the beautiful cover (by the initimable artist/designer Eric Boelts), gasped at the wonderful design (co-created by Verna and Eric) and even had time to partake in enjoying the a few words and... Read more

March 9, 2011

Part of my joy in collaborating with Katie Hendricks over the weekend was our co-creation of The Essence Interview. This is what the Hendricks Institute newsletter talked about today: “The Power Of Harmony Katie just returned from teaching Adding the Body in Boulder with Julie Colwell. We realized that every activity we explored shifted peoples’ experience from the reactive brain (the world is my enemy) to the creative brain (the world is my ally). For example, we have used our... Read more

March 7, 2011

I just spent an amazing weekend teaching the workshop “Adding the Body” with my dear friend, colleague, and mentor, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks. We had the luxury of three days with an eager and open group where we explored the vast territory of how life looks once people truly land in our bodies. Co-creating with Katie is a dream come true for me. I consider her and her husband Gay to be living masters. To teach next to her was like... Read more

February 21, 2011

I just reconnected with a dear friend of mine, someone who recently began a relationship. She reminded me of my vision of relationship, and told me that, carrying that, she has a new sense of what is possible for her and her new love. For the next few blogs, I’m going to send out excerpts from my new book, The Relationship Ride: A Usable, Unusual, Tranformative Guide, telling you how I view the potential of relationships. I believe this is... Read more

February 14, 2011

I love to set intentions at the beginning of my day. Taking space to breathe, move, and meditate allows me to sit in space and remember what I really want to create. That’s when I remember that my life isn’t about moving faster so that I get more done—its richness comes from slowing down long enough to feel my body, drop into connection with myself, and tune into the deeper rhythms of life that I’m apt to otherwise miss. I... Read more

February 13, 2011

I’m hanging out at LAX , waiting for my flight home. I’m sitting across from an adorable family (dad, two little kids) who are transfixed by their Pinkberry treats. Dad is doing a great job of keeping the drips from landing on his kids’ shirts. I’ve just spent two days in Planet Hendricks, the last two days of Katie and Gay Hendricks’ Five Day training in Conscious Living. The question Gay posed to us was: Are you willing to feel... Read more

January 24, 2011

Last night, about 45 of us gathered together to take the next step of the magical journey towards co-creating conscious community in Boulder. I felt giddy with the excitement of the night, and dizzy with the potential of what all of these magnificent humans could do together. For the past year, I’ve had the vision of the BCCC (aka “BC3”) being like Emerald City–a place where people come together to create the  magic that comes from living authentic lives, finding... Read more

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