January 17, 2011

I just spent 4 days in the Michigan woods with friends I’ve known so long, they’re family. There’s been a serious health crisis, and it was time for me to go and do my part. Michigan in January–I moved to Colorado in part because of those long, gray, Midwest winters. I anxiously watched the weather ahead of time, finally facing the fact that there would be snow and cold and little sign of the sun. I packed my long underwear.... Read more

January 13, 2011

While undergoing abyanga, the warm oil, deep massage that is part of the panchakarma regimen I recently underwent, I heard this idea: We crave sweet things to eat when we aren’t allowing ourselves enough sweet experiences in life. Sweet experiences. What does that even mean? I’ve been keeping track of some that I’ve noticed since then: Walking into my warm home from the bracingly cold outdoors. Looking out from my second story office window into the black night, glittering with... Read more

January 7, 2011

Today is my sixth day of eating mung beans and rice. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner–mung beans and rice, as much as I want to eat. And I have six more days to go. The mung beans and rice are all cooked together into something called “kitchari,” so there’s some ghee in there, and some mustard seeds and sea salt, and whatever vegetables I want! (Our dog, Belle, seems to like it–she got the pot off the stove and ate the... Read more

January 3, 2011

Back in October, I wrote a lot about what we don’t have control over, and the variety of ways we have to resist that reality. (You can read these here: Control Part 1, Control Part 2, Control Part 3, Control Part 4.) I also talked about what we do have control over: Our behaviors, where we place our attention, and our intentions and commitments. Far from being victims of our circumstances, understanding how this works allows us to be co-creators... Read more

December 27, 2010

Now is the time to do the end-of-year clearing, to prepare the way for the beginning-of-the year intending and manifesting. Here’s my toss to you, should you decide to accept it! Do an inventory of completions that are leaking your energy. These could include: Communications you need to make (emails, letters, calls, things you haven’t said to important people). Money issues to handle (debts you haven’t cleared or made a plan for, debts that others owe you, any planning you... Read more

December 23, 2010

‘Tis the season for overindulgences. Feasting on  holiday delicacies, drinking wassail (I had to look it up–it’s a hot mulled cider), party punches, and champagne–YUM! And in the midst of this, lots of social time with friends and family. So, being CONSCIOUS in the middle of all of this?? Somehow, staying awake and aware seems to be a contradiction to what the holidays are about. Oh, except for that part of the season that we’re actually celebrating: the light returning... Read more

December 20, 2010

I want to use this space to celebrate a victory for civil rights, a triumph for integrity–the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. I feel choked up at the momentousness of the opening of this door, as countless men and women are now supported to step into the light of whom they really are. As you probably know, the US Senate voted to repeal DADT over the weekend. DADT is the policy that Bill Clinton’s administration put into place seventeen... Read more

December 16, 2010

I talk to many people about what they want in their next relationship. Often they’re gun-shy. They look back in time at their past relationships, and have some view of “I don’t want to make those mistakes again.” They judge themselves, their ex-partners, and their “failed” relationship, and vow that the next partnership will be different. They spend time making lists of their perfect partners, and when they meet a prospective candidate, use their list to quickly cross off the... Read more

December 13, 2010

Someone just sent me the link to this video, and I want to spread it everywhere. Brene Brown is a researcher (and storyteller) who has been looking at shame, which took her to examing vulnerability, which took her to the question of “what does it take to be wholehearted?” This is worth 20 minutes of your time!: Dr. Brene Brown speaks on shame and vulnerability Read more

December 10, 2010

Wow–check it out!! Look around–do you notice the spaciousness, the quality of the design, the terrific colors of this spendid website? A team of us (truly the dream team for me) have been working for months to get this iteration of my website up and functioning. I want to send great appreciation to Verna Wilder, who had the vision to take us to a new level; Robbie Staufer, who has mastered the ins and outs of WordPress to get all... Read more

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