15 Ways to Find Time with God Without Changing Your Schedule

15 Ways to Find Time with God Without Changing Your Schedule February 7, 2024

Photo credit freepik.com
Finding time with God can be challenging, here are some tips for your schedule. /Photo credit freepik.com

For those who want to spend more time with God, read on…

One of my spiritual growth students reached out for guidance concerned about feeling disconnected from God.

During our first session, I posed the question, “What do you believe is causing the disconnect?”

Her head lowered. “I’m too busy to focus on God, and if I had time, I don’t know where to start.”

I gave her a warm smile. “It’s okay. As someone who has been in your shoes, I’d be thrilled to help you discover hidden moments in your day for spiritual growth and deepening your connection with God.

She is not alone. My Christian readers and students often express two common reasons for seeking a closer relationship with God: being too busy and lacking a plan. I understand because I felt the same way for decades until I discovered the answers God provides to those who seek. It’s easier than you might think.

Here are 15 ways to increase time with God without altering your schedule:

Simple ideas to add scripture reading, Bible app audio listening, prayer, or silent listening to any of these activities that might be part of your daily routine.

  1. Getting out of bed, declare thanks to the Lord. Say 3 things for which you are grateful.
  2. Waiting for the coffee/tea to brew. (Read an automated bible verse email, text, or phone notification with a daily scripture)
  3. Taking a shower. (I pray and listen for guidance)
  4. Putting on make-up, doing hair or shaving. (One of my favorites! Why? I’m focused. I listen to audio scripture or a podcast sermon)
  5. At breakfast, give thanks and bless the food.
  6. Morning walk or workout. (I listen to my favorite podcast sermons or Bible app on audio)
  7. Work commutes. (By listening and applying the teachings from the Marriage Today podcast in 2016, my marriage improved)
  8. Driving kids to school (include the kids in scripture listening or singing Christian songs)
  9. Closed-door office. (I can’t count the number of times I closed my door to pray for guidance)
  10. Driving to lunch.
  11. Driving to the store, gym, etc. (I love to pray in the car out loud when I drive alone. No one can hear me and it looks like I’m talking on the hands-free phone)
  12. Vacation drive. (We load up on YouTube pastoral teachings or podcasts – time goes by much faster!)
  13. At lunch, give thanks and bless the food. (always – all meals)
  14. Driving back from lunch.
  15. During work breaks.

To get all 27 ways, you can download my free eBook and also receive my D.E.A.R method, which supports prioritizing God first in daily life. Also, get my bonus tips and resources only available in the eBook.

Overlooking the hidden and wasted moments in our day is easy when we don’t prioritize God first, and instead replace them with valuable spiritual feeding opportunities. Try a few of these to feed your soul today!

Download the FREE eBook now!

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