Welcome to Faith & Business 2.0, a blog resource of Eventide Funds. Our intent is that you find here, over time, continuing and compelling commentary — both shorter postings and longer essays — on a wealth of topics having to do with a Christian understanding of business.
Why should this matter to Eventide, a mutual fund company?
We understand that the purpose and practice of investing, and of business, are intimately and inextricably joined. Most obviously, business investors are owners of the businesses in which they invest. As such, they bear (at least moral) responsibility for the impacts of those businesses. More positively, investing and business function as symbiotic partners. Investing enlarges the capacity of business to create the abundance of value and blessing God intends and is, in turn, rewarded from the business fruitfulness it enables. For both reasons, therefore, investing responsibly and biblically requires an insightful understanding of the purpose(s) of business and careful attention to its practices.
Faith & Business 2.0 is written by
Tim Weinhold — Tim serves as Director of Eventide’s Faith & Business Initiative, and has served in a faith and business/investing thought leadership capacity with Eventide since its founding. Tim is also an adjunct faculty member of the School of Business, Government, and Economics at Seattle Pacific University. In addition, he serves on the school’s Executive Advisory Board and, until recently, also served on the Executive Committee of the school’s Center for Integrity in Business. Tim has had an extensive and varied career in business. He co-founded four entrepreneurial ventures, including a VC-funded computer graphics company for which he developed the original product idea. For several years he provided real estate consulting to major corporations, including John Hancock, General Electric, Gillette, and Reebok. Tim is passionate about, and a long-time student of, ‘business for blessing,’ i.e., a deeply biblical understanding of God’s intent for the purpose and practice of business.
Rob Moll — Rob serves as Eventide’s director of marketing and communications. Prior to joining Eventide, Rob was communications officer to the president at World Vision, a global Christian humanitarian organization. Rob is editor at large for Christianity Today magazine and the author of two books. His writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, TIME, Forbes.com, and numerous other publications.
Unless otherwise noted, Eventide is not an investor in companies discussed in this or other of our ‘faith and business’ columns, nor is there meant to be an endorsement, explicit or implied, of the entirety of any company’s business model, much less of all of a company’s business practices. Rather, aspects of the business model or practices of particular companies are discussed only to help illustrate contemporary examples of larger ‘faith and business’ topics.
The material provided herein has been provided by Eventide Asset Management, LLC and is for informational purposes only. Eventide Asset Management, LLC serves as investment adviser to one or more mutual funds distributed by Northern Lights Distributors, LLC, member FINRA. Northern Lights Distributors, LLC and Eventide Asset Management are not affiliated entities.